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nmr related for newsletter

Wuthrich Adjust the the peak shape from antiphase to absorptive
decouple One of the 1951 Physics Nobel Prize recipients for discovery of NMR
Quantum Apodization
COSY Unit of magnetic field strength
Bloch 2002 Chemistry Nobel prize winner for Biomolecular NMR
Deptq One of the 1951 Physics Nobel Prize recipients for discovery of NMR
Ernst Automated tuning command on bruker
Phase What to do with a cloudy NMR sample
Lauterbur Spins greater than 1/2
Quench One of the 2003 Medicine Nobel Prize winners for MRI
ATMA Remove scalar splitting from spectrum
Shimming The M in HMQC
Tuning A sudden magnet failure
Mansfield Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy
Filter 1991 Chemistry Nobel prize winner for FT and 2D NMR
Purcell One of the 2003 Medicine Nobel Prize winners for MRI
Multiple Convert FID to frequency spectrum with this type of transform
quadrupolar The F in FID
Superconductor Exchange Spectroscopy
Tesla The Q in HSQC
Fourier Correlation Spectroscopy
EXSY Optimizing the impedance of an NMR probe
Free What an NMR magnet is made of
Weighting 13C experiment that shows the bound proton multiplicity
NOESY Optimizing the homogeneity of the magnetic field

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