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Chemistry Ch. 3-6



proton special type of nonmetal which are nonreactive
lewis structures heterogeneous matter composed of two or more pure substances, each of which retains its identity and specific properties
neutrron changes that result in changes in the composition of the substance
cation any pure substance that can broken down by chemical means into twop or more different simple substances
electronegativity region of space surrounding the nucleus of an atom in which there is a high probability of finding up to two electrons
heterogeneous matter joules of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of a substance by one degree C or K
mixture subatomic particle with a relative charge of -1; existing outside the nucleus
anion the attractive forces that hold atoms together as compounds
ion method of expressing the covalent bonds among atoms in a molecule using the octet rule and dots to represent bonds
homogeneous matter any ion carrying a negative charge
polyatomic ion any ion carrying a positive charge
nucleus elements with a high luster,good conductors of electricity, and ductile.
covalent bond chemical bond in which two atoms share two pairs of electrons
kinetic energy matter that is not uniform in composition and properties throughout the sample, rather two or more distinct sunbtances unequally distributed.
physical change smallest particle of a pure substance that can exist and undergo chemical changes.
double bond chemical bond formed by transfer of electrons from atom to atom. apositive and negative charged ion are held together.
atomic mass degree to which an atom attracts a pair of covalently bonded electrons to itself.
ionic bond matter that is uniform in composition and properties throughout the sample
metalloid all changes in a substance other than changes in its chemical composition
isotope energy possesed by a substance by virtue of its motion
orbital atom in which the number of electrons does not equal the number of protons
atomic number any pure substance that cannot be broken down into two or more different simple substances.
element any atom having the same atomic number as number of protons but different mass
electron number of protons in the nucleus of an element's atom
solution homogeneous mixture involving two or more substances; composition can be varied within limits.
chemical bonds method of expressing the chemical bonds among atoms in a molecule using lines to repesent the bonds.
molecule type of chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons between two atoms.
specific heat an arbitrarily assigned value of exaclty 12 amu for an atom of carbon-12.
chemical changes elements that lie on the colored stair step line with both metallic and nonmetallic properties.
nonmetals energy possesed by a substance by virtue of its position in space or its chemical composition
atom elements that combine with metals and other nonmentals,poor conductors of heat,and brittle.
compound smallest piece of an element that can exist and still exhibit the properties of that element.
noble gas small dense region at the center of an atom containing nearly all the mass of the atom
metal subatomic particle with a charge of 1 existing inside nucleus
potential energy subatomic particle with no chage located in the nucleus
structural formula any ion made up of more than one atom

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