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Chemical Bonding Vocabularty Review

Stephen Sun

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Electronegativity Same as the Electron Dot Diagram, which shows electrons in the valance shell.
Lewis Formula There is an unequal sharing of electrons. _____ _____ is when the electrons are not distributed symmetrically and thus does have an abundance of charges at the opposite sides.
Hydrogen Bonding A chemical bond in which shared electrons move freely among the atoms.
Bonding Electrons An atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons.
Interstitial Alloy A crystal consisting of ions bound together by their electronegativity.
Polarity Used to describe the gain of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.
Valence Electrons Used to describe the loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion.
Substitutional Alloy The study of the spatial arrangements of atoms in molecules and compounds.
Metallic Bond A metal atom replaces another similarly sized atom in the structure.
Isotope Chemical compounds with an unequally distributed electrons, such as the water molecule. The opposite charges attract each other....
Polar Molecule Model which states there is a state of lowest energy for the electron, that there is a maximum energy, beyond which the electron is no longer bound to the nucleus and that within these two energies the electron can only exist in certain energy levels.
Bohr Model A chemical bond between two atoms that is created by sharing two electrons. The difference in electronegativity is less than 1.7.
Covalent Crystal Non-polar molecule is when the electrons are distributed more symmetrically and does not have an abundance of charges at the opposite sides.
Dipole A type of intermolecular forces which occurs from the polarization of molecules, there are two types: dipole-dipole forces and London dispersion forces.
Covalent Bond An _____ can contain two electrons with paired spins and is often associated with a specific region of an atom.
Orbitals the ability of an atom to inductively pull electrons towards itself
Energy Level Model Two types of metal atom mixed together, one type of atom is significantly smaller than the other type of atom.
Lone Pair These are chemical bonds that occur within a molecule.
VSEPR Rules The atom having a positive or negative charge.
Ionic Bond It is a formula that shows how atoms in a compound are attached to one another.
London Dispersion Forces A rule which states that an element's valence shell is full and most stable when it contains eight electrons.
Octet Rule A chemical bond formed by electronegativity attraction between oppositely charged ions
Structural Formula An atom has the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
Intramolecular Bond It is the same as Lewis Structural Diagrams. The chemical symbol for the atom is surrounded by a number of dots corresponding to the number of valence electrons.
Ionic Crystal A bond that is a special type of a dipole-dipole bond, which exists between a highly electronegative atoms and hydrogen atoms.
Stereochemistry These are chemical bonds that occur between molecules.
Electron Dot Diagram Force of attraction between oppositely charged particles.
Intermolecular Bond The electrons that are in the outer shell.
Resonance A crystal with covalent bonds between all of the atoms in the crystal.
Ion Rules which is designed to show the shapes of individual molecules. The rule uses a Lewis structure, which shows all of the bonds within the molecule and the locations of lone pairs of electrons to predict the 3D shape of the molecule
Oxidation Two electrons that form a pair of electrons in the valance shell of two atoms, used to form a bond between them.
Central Atom Same as Bohr Model this model shows the electrons fixed energy levels.
Non-polar Molecule Pair of electrons in the valance shell, it is not bonding site.
Dipole-dipole Forces A form of Van der Waals force, the random movements of electrons create short intermediate states of charged atoms.
Reduction The representation of a compound by two or more basic structures in which the valence electrons are rearranged to give structures of similar probability
Van der Waals Forces Atom with most boding sites, usually in the middle of a structural formula.

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