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Kathrina D. Castillo

Chemistry 40 Review Activity

fumarase the oxidase known as complex IV in ETC
oxaloacetate the barnched portion of starch
reducingsugar a molecule which is converted to glyceraldehyde phosphate in the presence of triosephosphate isomerase
glyoxylate a carbon with four different substituents
lacticacid can be digested by ruminants because of cellulase
glycogen the portion of starch whose units are linkd via a(1,4) linkages and has one reducing end
epimers one of the first trioses in which glucose is split into
starch GDP is required in the formation of this intermediate in Krebs cycle
nadhcoq this is produced whenever a dehydration reaction takes place
succinate the enzyme which can produce only one form of isocitrate from citrate
water pyruvate CoASH = ?
atpsynthase a non-reducing disaccharide
hexokinase an ________ pathway is a biosynthetic pathway
glucose also referred to as the complex I oxidoreductase
cellulose sugars with free anomeric carbons
acetylcoa one of its unit is integral to the membrane while the other unit is projecting outwards which has the catalytic site
glyceraldehydephosphate the final molecule produced in the citric acid cycle
glycosidic respomsible for sore muscles after a heavy physical activity
chiral this is teh usual type of redcing agent in redox reactions
coqcytochromec loss of a carbon group is evidenced by the production of this molecule
anabolic a disccharide with glucose and galactose units
fermentation can be cleaved to produce glucose in case blood glucose get depleted
dihydroxyacetonephosphate an enzyme inhibited by high amounts of glucose-6-phosphate
amylose carbohydrate which serves energy storage in plants
succinate-biquinone proteins cotaining covalently-linked oligo-or polysaccharide units
gluconeogenesis this molecule is split in a process known as glycolysis
pyruvate has high energy bonds and serves a sthe energy currency of the cell
carbondioxide sugar groups which differ in configuration about only 1 atom
aconitase the cycle which is the modification of the citric acid cycle where the an enzyme known as isocitrate lyase participates in
sucrose the acivity of this enzyme in the ETC does not produce enough energy to contribute to proton gradient
glycoprotein process producing ethanol from pyruvate
NADH the bond which links two sugar units
cytochromec made of N-acetylglucosamine units
amylopectin this is produced when pyruvate kinase acts on phosphoenolpyruvate
lactose formation of "new" glucose
chitin the enzyme responsible for the formation of L-malate
adenosinetriphosphate an enzyme which has the heme group and functions to transfer electrons from CoQH2 to cytochrome c

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