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Motorcycle Safety

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brain Helmeted riders are ______ times more likely to survive head injuries than if not wearing helmets.
alcohol Alcohol may still ________ even if you drink one drink an hour.
six Added assurance of motorcycle helmet quality in addition to DOT approval.
retained Ride through the _________ as quickly as possible.
foundation Adjust the ________ to see the lane behind you and as much of the lane next to you before starting to ride.
Snell For the beginning or experienced _________ nearest you call (800) 446-9227.
blindspot Stop get off and take a rest break every _____ hours.
half The ability to ride aware, make critical ________, and carry them out is a responsible rider.
cars In traffic motorcycles need as much distance to stop as _____.
operators The Motorcycle Safety ____________ teaches rider safety classes in the knoxville area.
twelve No one is immune to the effects of ________.
decisions A variety of other factors may influence the level of alcohol _________ in your body.
two Use _____ brakes every time you slow or stop.
three To "be visible" wear proper ________.
short Use four steps for better turning control: Slow, Look, Lean, _____.
accumulate Experienced riders seldom ride more than ______ hours a day.
roll Accelerating gradually through a turn will ___________ a motorcycles suspension.
stabilize The best protection you can have from other vehicles on a motorcycle is __________.
both Alcohol will slow and impair bodily _________.
clothing Most crashes happen on ______ trips.
ridercourse As a rider you cant be sure that other _________ will see you.
functions _______ the brake lever and never grab.
tiring Within minutes of being consumed alcohol reaches the _____.
distance Scan your path of travel ________ seconds ahead.
mirror More than ____ of all crashes occur on motorcycles ridden by motorcycle operators in the first 6 months.
squeeze Riding a motorcycle is more ________ than driving a car.

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