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Do You Know Your Model A Ford Engine?

Roderick R. Deily, Ford Technical Advisor

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cable Every fuel stop, you should check level
ringgap Measurement describing Ft./Ibs.
asbestos Half–round type of gasket in front of oil pan
carburetor 20 bolts securing this item to bottom of engine
armature Used to measure oil in pan
valvesprings Horn is inoperative due to a dirty
gas Contains tubes in rows
Flywheel Used to drain water from radiator
pan Should never be laid on its side
petcock Contains throat, float and jets
crank Aligns to the end of the crankshaft flange
oil Engines backfires due to defective part
dipstick Tool used for thread repair
generator Valve spring compressor removes these
radiator Type of tank holding 10-11 gallons
condenser Allows for heat expansion in the cylinder
torque Used to secure hose sections to radiator
clamps Ammeter shows high charge requiring an adjustment to this component
firingorder 1-2-4-3 represents what order
Helicoil Connects battery terminal to starter

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