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A Few Things Canadian

Elaine Toonders

Test your knowledge of Canadiana

Deke Island where the horses run free
Manitoulin Played on ice
Sable To fake out but often used as slang
Canuck Author Margaret
Lighthouse Elephant killed in St Thomas
Timmies World's largest island in a freshwater lake
Ten Interjection at the end of a sentence
Fleming Landscape sculpted by water
Carr This city has the tallest hydraulic liftlocks in the world
Zinc Jazz singer
Peterborough Region famous for Ice Wine
Saskatchewan City Winnie the Pooh was named after
Tobermory Topic included in most conversations
Banting Number of Canadian Provinces
Loon Home of the Stampede
Zed Canada's third and newest Territory
Niagara Last name of a Canadian singer
Quebec A large island in the Arctic
Whistler Colour of a five dollar bill
Weather Twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet
Purple Superstar hockey player
Gretzky A French-Canadian dish
Winnipeg Home of the Klondike Gold Rush
Second Largest Province
Maple With leaf is the emblem on a Canadian flag
Vancouver Wild Goose Jack
Karst A main ingredient in Maple Fudge
Jumbo Symbol on a nickel
Calgary Another name for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Hockey Site of the 2010 Olympics
Blackberry Canada's Arctic peoples
Rideau Slang for Tim Horton's
Skookumchuk The Forest City
Miner Capital city of British Columbia
Halifax Discovered insulin
Claman A refined metal exported from Canada
Kanata Beacon along the coastline
Ontario Used to measure distances
Ottawa Writer of The Hockey Theme song
Syrup Bird on the one dollar coin
Twain Freshwater SCUBA diving capital of the world
Mounties Canada's geographical size ranking in the world
Queen An unusual name for a place in Canada
Blue Father of Standard Time
Atwood Bear on the Toonie
Kilometres Capital of Canada
Poutine Colour of a ten dollar bill
Nunavut An affectionate description of nationality
Fishing The highest mountain in Canada
Beaver Industry on both East and West coasts
Logan Canada's breadbasket Province
Harper Skate in winter boat in summer on this canal
Yukon Province where the capital city is located
Peterson Economic centre of the Maritime Provinces
Baffin Home of the longest ski season in North America
Eh Origin of the name Canada
Inuit Canada's current Prime Minister
London Canadian painter and writer
Victoria Sovereign of Canada
Polar Mike Lazaridis invented this

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