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Martin Ortega Reyes

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Promotional mix A business' total marketing communications program is called the:
Visual media How many times will the target customer be exposed to the advertising message?
Promotion The planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics
Meaningful An important stage in creating favorable attitudes towards the business and its brands.
Message Sometimes, promoting a brand image is the only way to create differentiation in the mind of the consumer
Persuade Capture the customer's attention
Sales impact How you get your message across
Personal selling Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in the "prime media"
Inform The starting point in the selection of appropriate advertising media is a
Communicated Much promotion (particularly advertising) is about reassuring customers that they have made the right choice and encouraging them to stay loyal to a brand.
Public relations To generate sales and profits, the benefits of products have to be______ to customers.
Direct marketing The personal selling may focus initially on developing a________ with the potential buyer,
Reassurance It is widely thought of as the most effective medium to achieve a customer sales response.
Relationship It is a customer benefit that no other product can claim
Personal selling Encouraging intermediaries to buy the product
USP What you want your communication to say
Sales promotion What proportion of the target customers will be exposed to the advertising?
Publicity Where the role of the sales force may be limited to supporting retailers and providing after-sales service
Image promotion Oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale.
Sponsorship Management may need to make their audience aware that their product exists, and to explain exactly what it does.
Published media The planned recording, analysis and tracking of customer behavior to develop a relational marketing strategies.
Direct mail Include: television (terrestrial and digital) radio, cinema ,billboards ,transport ,direct mailing
Frequency Providing incentives to customers or to the distribution channel to stimulate demand for a product.
Medium The communication of a product, brand or business by placing information about it in the media without paying for the time or media space directly
Media analysis It is oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale
Advertising Supporting an event, activity or organization by providing money or other resources that is of value to the sponsored event. This is usually in return for advertising space at the event or as part of the publicity for the event.
Pull strategy It is not enough for a business to have good products sold at attractive prices. To generate sales and profits, the benefits of products have to be communicated to customers. In marketing, this is commonly known as:
Reach Has the campaign generated the intended sales growth. This second area is much more difficult to measure
Media impact Include national daily newspapers , Sunday newspapers, local and regional newspapers ,consumer magazines ,specialist magazines ,trade and professional press, internet
Believable A difficult task, since research suggests most consumers doubt the truth of advertising in general
Push strategy Customers should find the message relevant
Distinctive Where, if the target customer sees the message

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