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Financial Terminology

Faun Brown

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YTD The process of allocating the cost of an asset to expense over its useful life.
Voids The days it takes to receive payment from insurance carriers for services rendered.
CKD Costs of salaries and employee benefits.
MedicalEquipment Zemplar overfill or the manufacturer's extra amount of Zemplar given in a vial. Target greater than 22%. See Overfill.
IPC Drugs that are not reimbursable.
AncillaryRevenue Common Area Maintenance. Charges from leasor to maintain property.
Margin% Write off for services provided to patients who do not have Medicare as their primary insurance and qualify as indigent.
IndigentWriteOff Repairs and maintenance.
SAP Types of dialysis treatments provided. In-center, CAPD, CCPD, Home Hemo, Acute
AdministrativeExpenses Monetary reimbursement for administration of reimbursable drugs.
ADPReports Chronic Kidney Disease
DialysisRevenue Cost Per Treatment is the expense incurred for each treatment.
Overfill Expenses including-cleaning services, disposal services, security services, utilities (electrical, fuel, water), purchased linen, facility R
EBIT Any item over $300 with a one-year useful life or a combination of items totaling over $500 with a one-year useful life.
AmortizationExpense Financial database.
DPC Hemo equivalent = # of days dialyzed/7 (# of days in a week) and then multiplied by 3 (avg in-center txts per week)
Modalities Staff hired on a temporary basis through an agency.
ContractualAdjustments Associate benefits like insurance, 401K, pension, vacation, tuition, worker's compensation, unemployment, etc.
Accrual The % of employee turnover in a given facility over a specified period of time.
TAP The charge to each facility for the Medical Director's fee.
BooktoPhysical The amount listed on the PI-17 for medical supplies and any adjustments made that create the accounting entry to "book" or relieve inventory.
CAMcharges Earnings Before Interest and Taxes is Revenue minus Expenses or profit.
PropertyExpense Month-To-Date.
DaysOutstanding Charges that are not directly related to dialysis services such as the Quality, Education, Human Resources, Managed Care, Finance Center, Business Development, etc.
Margin Various costs including freight, computer costs, office supplies, telephone expense, transportation, lodging, recruiting, loss on asset disposal, etc.
ZemplarUtilizationEfficiency Adjustments made to revenue for incorrect billings for wrong rates or incorrect insurance carriers.
EPOUtilizationEfficiency General and Administrative Expenses are expenses incurred that are not a direct expense to dialysis. See Overhead.
CPT Physical Inventory PI-17. The number 17 because there used to be a total of 17 physical inventories required annually. This report calculates the in-center medical supplies cost per treatment.
PDTreatments/hemoequivalent The % of growth in patients or treatments over a specified period of time. Does not include acquisitions or mergers.
R (Proton only)Labor distribution reports that show hours charged to a facility by associate name. (for Proton units only)
G Direct patient supplies needed for in-center (I/C) treatments such as dialyzers, bloodlines, misc. dialysis supplies, concentrates.
HousekeepingExpenses Medical Equipment involved in treatment such as dialysis chairs, dialysis machines, concentrators, crit-lines, etc.
ProductivityReports Direct Patient Care (DPC) are RNs, LPN, PCTs, Dialysis Assistants.
EmployeeRetention Indirect Personnel Costs are those who indirectly care for the patients like Clinical Managers, Facility Assistants, Educators, Dietitians, Social Workers, Case Aides, Technicians.
MTD Monies added for anticipated future expense. Adjustments made when actuals incur
Overhead EPO overfill or the capturing of the 'extra" EPO in the vial provided by the manufacturer. Target greater than 10%. See Overfill.
P Full Time Equivalent associate is one who works 40 hours per week.
DepreciationExpense Monetary reimbursement for performing dialysis treatments.
AdministrativeIncome Estimate of the current period revenue that will later prove to be uncollectible.
PI17 Profit and Loss Reports - financial standing of facility.
PayorMix Any expense related property such as real estate tax, personal property tax, property insurance.
Capital A look at a facility's composition of patient insurance carriers - i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial, Self-pay, VA, etc.
BadDebt Adjustments made to the cost of dialysis service/ancillary based on contracts with insurance carriers.
I/CMedicalSupplies Year-To-Date.
UnbillableDrugs Total Area Productivity - total time in hours it takes to do a dialysis treatments. Formula = Total Hours/Total Treatments.
FringeBenefits Income realized such as gain on asset disposal, management fee for JVs, etc.
OrganicGrowth The "extra" amount in the vial (EPO, Zemplar) that the manufacturer provides.
PhysicianCompensation Margin is the difference between revenue and expense. It's the profit or what's left over after all expenses.
AncillaryExpense (AMI only)Reports in InfoCentral that provide detail for TAP by facility/associate.
AgencyStaff Cost of drugs such as EPO, Hectorol, Zemplar, etc.
FTE The process of spreading the cost of an intangible asset over time.
PersonnelCosts Margin (difference between revenue and expense) divided by revenue. It's the percentage of profit to revenue.

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