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Organization Unit Review

Ms. Jennifer Boyd

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Hutton Outer membrane of an animal cell
CellMembrane Animal cell's energy producer
Paleozoic What is another term for an organisms job?
Cenozoic Lab equipment used to see microorganisms.
Cladogram Kingdom with members living in extreme environments
Chloroplast Eye protection in lab.
Heterotroph Age of Fish and later Age of Amphibians
Community Founder of modern Geology
Biology Scientist who described geologic history throu geologic events
Carbohydrates Circular DNA found in Bacteria
CellWall Cell>Tissue>Organs>Organ Systems>__________
Eubacteria Cell that does not have a nucleus
NucleicAcids Earth was formed in this era
Protista Biome>Ecosystem>_______>Population>Habitat>Niche
Microscopes The study of life
AminoAcids The main source of energy
Nucleus Does not belong to any of the six kingdoms
Theory A supported hypothesis
Viruses Type of evolution in which two non-related organisms develop similar features with similar functions
Archaebacteria Contain genetic information
Mitochondria Green pigment in plants, captures sunlight
WashHands Responsible for modern scientific names format: Genus species. (hint: taxonomist)
Precambrian Organelle that controls the cell
Autotroph Current time period
Goggles Attaches lipids and carbohydrates to proteins
Linnaeus Creates their own food
CharlesDarwin Relies on other resources for food
Mesozoic Kingdom with members found mainly in water
Golgi Kingdom with Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals
Animalia Outer membrane of a plant cell
Hypothesis Plant cell's energy producer, uses sunlight
Eukaryote Unsaturated or Saturated
Convergent Visual representation showing evolution of a derived characteristic
Lyell Kingdom with E. coli
Proteins Building blocks of proteins
Niche Cell that has a nucleus
Organism Animal cells have this, Plant cells do not
Lipids Two or more subunits, made up of amino acids
Plasmid An educated guess
Flagella Theory of Evolution scientist. (hint: Galapagos Islands)
Chlorophyll Last thing to do after completing a lab.
Prokaryote Age of Reptiles, major extinction event
Fungi Kingdom with Bread mold, Mushrooms, Yeast

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