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Chapter 9

Max Rucker

Selected Key Terms

Chromosome Number Type of nuclear division that maintains the parental chromosome number for daughter cells
Chromosome Number A cells collection of DNA and all of the proteins assosiated with it
Germ Cell One of two or more molecular forms of a enge that arise by mutation and code
Somatic Cell Haploid cell, formed by meiotic cell division of a germ cell; required for sexual reproduction
Chromosome Eukaryotic cells, DNA molecule. duplicated or not, with associated proteins
Egg (ovum) From nuclear division, a splitting of the parent cell cytoplasm
Centriole The fusion of a sperm nucleus with the nucleus of an egg, thus forming a zygote
Sexual Reproduction Structure that gives rise to microtubules of cilia and flagella
Metaphase At prophase I of meiosis. an interaction in which nonsiter chromatids of a pair of homologous chromosomes break at corresponding sites
Oocyte All chromosomes in a given type of cell
Gene Cancer cell of a lineage reproduction established for cancer research
Allele Two-stage nuclear division process that halves the chromosome number of a parental germ cell nucleus
Telophase Process of Cytoplasmic division in plant cells
Histone Mature male gamete
Centromere A reproductive or resting structure of one or a few cells, often walled or coated
Cell Cycle Animal cell of a lineage set aside for sexual reproduction
Gamete All Chromosomes in a given type of cell
Diploidy Mature female gamete; an ovum
Interphase Any reproductive mode by which offspring arise from a single parent and inherit the genes of that parent only
Crossing Over When cell increase mass and doubles cytoplasm, also duplicates its DNA
Anaphase Cell Cycle, interval between nuclear divisions when a cell increase mass
Clevage Furrow Ringlike depression defining the cutting plane for a dividing animal cell
Cytoplasmic Division Unit of information for a heritable trait, passed from parents to offspring
Nucleosome A stage when one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes has arrived at a spindle pole
Sperm Production of offspring be meiosis, gamete formation, an fertilization
Spore Type of protein intimately associated with eukaryotic DNA
Fertilization A stretch of eukaryotic DNA looped twice around a spoll of histone molecules
Asexual Reproduction Type of immature egg
Meiosis When sister chromatids of each chromosome move to opposite spindle poles
Chromatin Of Meiosis I, stage when all pairs of homologous chromosomes have become positioned at the spindle equator
HeLa Cell Constricted area of a chromosome which has attachment sites for spindle microtubules
Mitosis Pressence of two of each type of chromosome
Cell Plate Formation Any body cell that is not a germ cell

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