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Chapter 10 Virology

Ivy Tech Community College

Virology take-home assignment.

Integrase Phospholipid bilayer that surrounds some viruses.
Glycoprotein Proteins produced and secreted by cells infected with a virus which stimulate production of antiviral proteins in neighboring cells.
Reversetranscriptase Type of infection where viral particles are continually being produced.
Virion Last name of the scientist that proposed that a viral infection could hijack the control center of a cell.
Capsomere Mass of fused cells. Viral fusion protein causes neighboring cell's membranes to fuse.
Syncytia Refers to the specific kinds of cells in a host that a virus can infect.
Levaditi Different types of hosts that a virus will infect.
Latent Viral enzyme that synthesizes DNA ,by complementary basepairing, using viral RNA as a guide.
Lwoff Protein subunit that is used to build the capsid.
Hostrange Viral particle that is capable of infecting a cell.
Naked Protein molecule that has sugars attached to it. Found on the surface of a virus.
Interferon Last name of the scientist that developed techniques for using tissues and membranes to grow viruses.
Burnet Type of virus that does not have a phospholipid bilary surrounding it.
Persistent Protein that is on the outside of a virus that is responsible for attaching to the host cell for entry.
Inclusionbody Abnormal appearance in the nucleus of cell infected with a DNA virus. Used as a diagnostic clue.
Viralspecificity Viral genetic material that resides in a host cell's chromosome.
Budding Viral release by exocytosis.
Provirus Type of infection where the viral DNA lies quietly in the nucleus of cell; no new viral particles are produced.
Spike Last name of the scientist that proposed lysogeny and gave the formal definition of a virus.
Envelope Viral enzyme that incorporates viral genetic material into a host cell's chromosome.

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