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Phylums Sipuncula, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda

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statoblasts cystid encasement that houses the animal in both autozooids and heterozooids in Bryozoans
autozooids opens to the tentacular sheath to allow for fertilization, Bryozoans
zooecium site of egg brooding in Bryozoans that is an extension of the zooecium
BrownBodyFormation Process by which all soft parts of the body are dissenigrated and reformed, Bryozoan
hemorythrin another modified appendage in Bryozoans that cleans off detritis by vibrating
coelomophore larval stage that follows zygote in Bryozoans, modified trocophore for settling
heterozooids hollow, ciliated tentacles around mouth in Bryozoans and Brachipods
funiculus asexual reproduction which forms on funiculus and designed for hasrsh conditions, freshwater Bryozoans
Cyphonautes connected to other zooids to transfer food to colony in Bryozoans
lophophore larval stage that sometimes, but not always, follows trocophore in Sipuncula
Urns chemical that provides oxygen to Sipuncula
ovicell feeding members of Bryozoans colonies
pelagosphera modifed for cleaning the colony in Bryozoans
avicularium cells in Brachiopods that contains hemorythrin to transport gases
coelomocytes fixed on body wall or free roaming cells used to engulf waste particles, Sipuncula
vibraculum cleans off detritis and any settling larval stages, has a bird-like head

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