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Respiration Terms

Ms. Andrews - SBI 3U

Please find important terms for this unit in the crossword below. Enjoy! :)

thoracic cavity All of the processes that supply oxygen to the cells of the body.
bronchi Also known as the "voice box" this double sheet of elastic ligaments vibrate to produce sound.
respiration The amount of air inhaled and exhaled in a normal breath.
vital capacity The passageway from the trachea to the right or left lung.
capillaries Tiny hair-like protein structures found on cells that line the trachea. They function to sweep foreign debris out of the respiratory tract.
expiration A dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the organs of the chest cavity from the organs of the abdominal cavity and regulates pressure in the chest.
bronchioles The chest cavity.
inspiratory reserve volume The movement of gases between the external environment and the respiratory membrane of living things.
alveoli The process of using oxygen and glucose to produce ATP energy for our cells.
epiglottis The amount of air that can forcibly be inhaled after a normal inhalation.
cellular respiration The opening that branches of the pharynx and carries air from the mouth to the lungs.
breathing Tiny blood vessels that surround the alveoli and are the sites of fluid and gas exchange.
tidal volume The maximum amount of air that can be exhaled.
expiratory reserve volume The amount of air that can forcibly be exhaled after a normal exhalation.
larynx The process of exhalation. (releasing air)
diffusion Tiny sacs of the lung in which the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and blood occur.
pleural membrane The process of inhalation. (taking air in)
inspiration A flap-like, cartilaginous structure that covers the opening of the trachea when food is being swallowed.
cilia The movement of a gas from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
diaphragm Small branches off of the bronchi.
trachea A thin, fluid filled membrane that surrounds the outer surface of the lungs and lines the inner wall of the chest cavity.

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