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Reproduction Terms Word Puzzle

Martis Buchholz

36 Reproduction Terms

testes Grains in plants that contain male gametes, you can find them in anthers
oviducts I am when gametes join inside the female body
characteristics When I hit this stage I can reproduce
puberty I occur in the prophase 1 phase of meiosis
poler body Another term for pregnancy
conjugation I am the opposite of testosterone
gonads I am strong, hardy, and long lasting. This makes me a very favored one-celled reproductive cell
clone Two successive cell divisions that produce gametes
internal fertilization I only develope in plant ovaries
meiosis I am a hapliod only produced in meiosis
pollination I am an exact copy with the exact genes
external fertilization I am a cell with two set of chromosomes
spore Fetus's grow and develope here
chiasma I am a cell with only one set of chromosomes
progesterone I am when the pollen of one plant meets the carpel of another plant to fertilize
ovules I am the opposite of heterosexual
haploid This happens around once a month when the uterine lining changes excreting the waste
ovulation Female breasts are perfect examples of this sort of characteristic
pollen I am a cell that isnt used for reproduction
alteration of generations I am a fertilization that occurs outside of the two opposing gamete sexes
carpels I am secreted by the corpus luteum
in vitro I am a life cycle that has asexual and sexual forms
gestation I am the place where paired chromosomes touch
asexual I am called this process when an egg cell is let go from an ovarian follicle
anther I am the main female organ of a flower
secondary sex characteristics Two totally different anatomical structures that discent from the same chromosome
ovary Sperm is created here
somatic I am when cytoplasm makes a tube between two cells to exchange chromosomes
homologous Male gametes form in me
crossing-over I secrete female hormones and I am made from the waste of ovarian follicles
uterus Traits that distinguish one organism from another in genes
menstrual cycle I create the opposite cells to what testes create
dipliod I am a reproductive organ in animals
corpus luteum My main bodily function is to carry eggs away from the ovary
estrogen A laboratory procedure done in test tubes and petri dishes

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