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Johnny Nguyen

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convection current material that makes up the ocean floor.
lithosphere zone of mantle beneath the lithosphere that consists of slowly moving rocks.
divergent boundary border formed by the direct collision of two lithosphere plate.
convection transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid material.
seafloor spreadway steep narrow valley formed as lithosphere plates separation.
island arc undersea mountain range with a steep narrow valley along the center.
mid-atlantic ridge single landmass thought to have been the orgin of all continents.
rift valley material that makes up landmasses.
panthalassa movement of the ocean floor away from either side of a mid ocean ridge.
convergent boundary theory that the lithosphere a make up of plates that float on the asthenosphere.
continental drift hypothesis stating that the continent once formed a single landmass broke up and drifted to their present location.
ocean crust chain of volcanic island formed along an ocean trench.
continental crust thin outer shell of the earth consisting of the crust and the rigid upper mantle.
astenosphere deep valley in the ocean floor that form along a subduction zone.
plate tectonics boundary formed by two lithospheric plates that are moving apart.
ocean trench giant ocean surrounding pangaea.
pangaea movement in a fluid caused by uneven heating.
mid-ocean ridge system of undersea mountain ranges that wind around the earth.

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