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Microbiology chpt 6 Metabolism


Microbiology chpt 6

Anaerobic Respiration How plants use energy from the sun to converty ADP to ATP
Reduced Biosynthesis; Process tht utilizes energy stored in ATP as building blocks of macromolecules that make up cells
ActiveSite Catalytic or critical site where substrate bonds to enzyme causing enzyme to change its shape
Precursors The amount of harvested energy available released from bonds
Glycolysis Factor affecting enzyme activity when increased will increase speed of reaction
Cofactors Process that harvests energy during breakdown of compounds to synthesize ATP
Allosteric starting compounds converted to end product
Oxidized Inhibitor binds to same site as substrate causing the substrate to not bond to the enzyme
OxidateP Harvested Energy that is in motion
PhotophosP Inorganic trace elements completing functions of the enzymes
Noncompinhib Uses chem energy to add phosphate ion to molecule of ADP
Aerobic Respiration energy it takes to initiate a chemical reaction; enzymes catalyze chem reactions by lowering this
Anabolism precursor metabolite used to make amino acid alanine
Temperature Series of sequential chemical reactions
Chemoorgantrophs uses energy from proton motive force to add phospate ion to ADP
Metabolicpathyway energy currency of a cell; donor of free energy
Coenzymes metabolic pathways produced in catabolic pathways that can be used in anabolic pathways
SubstrateP This cyle initiates a series of oxidations that result in the release of two molecules of CO2; this generates precursor metabolites, alot of reducing power and ATP
ESC Occurs when the inhibitor and substrate act at different sites on the enzyme
Potential Compounds that lose electrons
Activiation the reducing power accumlumated in glycolysis and the TCA cycle to generate alot of ATP
pH Enzyme substrate complex-mutual interaction between enzyme and substrate which allows for the activiate energy to be lowered allowing product to be formed
Enzyme protein; biological catalyst that converts one substrate into another
Kinetic produces very little ATP; occurs when cells cannot respire; partial oxidation of glucose
Intermediates Compounds that gain electron
Salt oxidation of glucose to produce two molecules of pyruvate
ATP Harvested Energy that is stored
Catabolism Organic factors that are loosely bound to make enzymes
Respiration Regulators that activity of enzymes by causing some molecules to bind to the enzyme and change the shape of the enzyme
Compinhib environmental factor of enzyme which is best above 7
Free the preferred energy source for many cells
Glucose Obtain energy by degrading organic compounds and releasing the energy of their chemical bonds
Pyruvate electrons are passed to inorganic compounds
Fermentation electrons are passed to O2 to produce water
ReducingPower reduced electron carriers whose bonds contain a form of useable energy
TCACycle Environment factor of enzyme that sucks water out of cell; too much leads to plasmolysis

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