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Mendelian Genetics

Lesley Urasky

Vocabulary Words for Chapter 9, Holt Biology (2006)

telophasetwo Pea pods look like they have been
phenotype The chance that an event will happen.
homozygous Trait that appears in the F2, but not the F1 generation.
seven Probability can be expressed as a ______, a ratio, or a fraction.
filial This type of pollination is achieved by manually transferring pollen between plants.
cross Diagram used to figure out a testcross.
yellow The law of _____ assortment shows that traits produced by dominant factors won't always appear together.
constricted Two or more alternate forms of a trait.
heterozygous This is what you look like.
percentage This law states that a pair of traits are separated during gamete formation.
segregation Heterozygous and homozygous phenotypes are indistiguishable from each other in this kind of dominance.
allele Crossing red flowers with white flowers can result in pink flowers if this kind of dominance is true.
testcross The country where Mendel was a monk.
dominant This pea color is dominant.
Punnettsquare True-breeding plants are also known as _____.
self The process of passing on characteristics.
genotype The law of segregation occurs during this phase of meiosis
terminal This is your GENETIC allele arrangement
complete A trait that over-rides another trait; usually the darker color.
incomplete Flowers found only at the ends of pea plants are _____ in location.
recessive Pea plants usually reproduce using this type of pollination; Mendel used this to create the P generation
monohybrid The number of traits that Mendel observed in his pea plants.
probability Dihybrid crosses track ____ characteristics
independent An example is BB or bb.
pure This cross only considers one trait.
metaphaseone The F1 and F2 generations are also known as _____ generations
Austria The law of independent assortment occurs during this phase of meiosis
heredity An individual has both dominant and recessive alleles for a trait.
two Is that guinea pig homozygous (BB) or heterozygous (Bb)? I'll have to do a _____ to find out.

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