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Marine Science- Chapter 2

Ms. Spicknall

-This crossword covers vocabulary that you should know from chapters 2

Subduction zone Continental crust consists mostly of this mineral
Tidal range Salinity is expressed using these conductivity measurements
Sediment Continuous submarine range of volcanic mountains that run throughout the ocean basins
Hot spot Process by which the sea floor moves away from the mid-ocean ridges to create new sea floor
Seamounts Oceanic crust consists mostly of this mineral
Granite Deep-sea hot springs laden with dissolved minerals/nutrients from the earth's mantle
Crest Deflection of large scale motions such as winds or currents
Sea-floor spreading Difference in water level between successive high and low tides
Hydrothermal Vents Loose material like mud and sand that settles on the ocean floor
Continental slope Away from the wind, waves settle into these
Hydrogen bonds Begins at shelf break and descends to deep-sea floor
Asthenosphere Boundaries between continental crust and oceanic crust
Mid-ocean ridges Biogenous sediment is often referred to as this because it consists of the preserved remains of dead organisms (mostly tiny ones)
Coriolis Effect Multiple deep-sea fans that have merged together will form this
Density Plastic layer of upper mantle
Continental margins Uppermost part of the mantle
Practical Salinity Units Mass per unit of volume
Lithosphere Downward movement of a plate into the mantle
Continental shelf Submarine volcanoes
Basalt Volcanic island chain associated with trenches (in general, 2 words, 1 space)
Swells Highest part of a wave
Weathering Extension of a continent underwater, has a gentle slope, and varies in width
Microfossils The chemical or physical breakdown of rocks
Continental rise Attractions between liquid water molecules that affects the freezing and thawing of water
Island arc Caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun and by the rotation of the earth, moon, and sun
Pangaea Name of the "supercontinent" originally proposed by Wegener
Tides Area of consentrated volcanic activity

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