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Mrs. James

Chapter 1 Key Terms

classification a living thing
genus the factor the scientist changes in an experiment
response an organism with cells that contain nuclei and other cell structures
eukaryote an organism whose cell lacks a nucleus and some other cell structures
cell an experiment in which all factors are identical except one
autotroph the scientific study of how living things are classified
evolution the process of grouping things based on their similarities
stimulus a classification grouping that contains similar, closely related organisms
prokaryote many-celled
species a group of similar organisms that can mate and reproduce fertile offspring in nature
variable a change in an organism's surroundings that causes it to react
binomial nomenclature the process by which species gradually change over time
homeostasis an action or change in behavior as a result of a stimuls
controlled experiment organisms that make their own food
heterotroph basic unit of structure and function in an organism
multicellular the naming system for organisms in which each organism is given a two-part name
organism organisms that cannot make their own food
development single-celled
taxonomy the process of change that produces a more complex organism
unicellular the maintenance of stable internal conditions despite changes in the surroundings

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