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maintenance of life


biology topic

pupil enzyme that breaks down starch
insulin leaves, stems and lungs are called -
organs plant cell walls are made of this
starch a group of cells with the same shape and job is called a -
respiration impulse from the eye travel to brain along this
reflex plant shoots grow towards this
transpiration polymer of glucose, found in the liver
xylem movement of particles from regions of high to low concentration
light abbreviation for hormone controlling water balance
glucagon light sensitive layer in the eye
osmosis to be found`on the underside of leaves
diffusion water moves from roots to leaves and then evaporates
stomata automatic, rapid nervous response
opticnerve polymer of glucose, energy storage molecule in plants
ADH carries sugar from the leaves
gravity roots grow towards this
wax colour sensitive receptors in the eye
homeostasis pancreatic hormone given to treat diabetes
amylase layer on the top of a leave
photosynthesis pancreatic hormone, raises blood glucose
phloem 6CO2 6H2O = C6H12O6 6O2
cellulose in bright light this gets smaller
glycogen process in plants that continues at night
retina carries from roots to leaves
tissue keeping things the same in your body
cones movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane

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