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Invertebrate Crossword Puzzle

Cairee Mayfield

Use the clues to help you complete the puzzle.

compound eye primitive brain
amoebocyte term usd to describe the attachment of sponges to other objects
radula tiny tubular structure that pulls fluid from the coelom
sponge water exits these larger pores
chrysalis thick protective covering of cells posessed by endoparasites
spongin hatchling or juvenile
fluke also called collar cells; lines the internal cavity of the sponge
hydrozoa stinging cells located on the tentacles
metamorphosis a large group of soft-bodied polyps found in coastal areas all over the world: highly muscular and quite complex
malpighian tubule eye made up of alot of small individual units
planulae phlum which jellyfish belong to
polyp slender, finger- like extensions from the arthropod's gut and are bathed by blood
scyphozoans a dramatic physical change
siphon a chewing mouthpart
mandible makes the sponge's skeleton; made of flexible protein fiber
nymph another form of a jellyfish;tubelike, attaches itself to rocks or something of the sort
mantle sections in a tapeworm's body
choanocyte larvae of hydrozoans
cnidocyte a tongue- like organ located in the mouth of mollusks
thorax penetrates the sponge's body wall
medusa a structure that extends from an arthropod's body
molting largest class of cnidarians
gemmule sponge cells that have an irregular shape: like amoebas
cephalothorax internal body walls
spicule clusters of amoebocytesencased in protective coats
sea anemones central section that contains the mollusk's organs
oscula small barbed harpoon within the cnidocyte
trematoda produces a sticky substance which aids in the attachment to objects
ostia the simplest of all animals
sessile one body form of a jellyfish;umbrella shaped, free-floating, jelly-like
tegument the class which "true jellyfish" belong to
anthozoans tiny needle made of silica or calcium carbinate
nematocyst head
appendage a protective capsule
septa the largest flatworm class
proglottid head thorax
basal disk heavy fold of tissue that forms the outer layer of the body
cerebral ganglion hollow tubes that draw in seawater
nephridium the shedding, discarding of an exoskeleton periodically
visceral mass the class where the most primitive hydrozoa are located
cnidarian parasidic worms

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