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Human Genetics

Jennifer South

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sex chromosomes set of photographs of chromosomes grouped in order in pairs
Autosomes chromosomes that is not is a sex chromosome
Human genome project disorder tha occurs on chromosomes during meiosis
y chromosomes If two copies of an autosomal chromosome fail to seperate during meiosis
chromosomal disorder chart that shows the relationship within a family
cysitic fibrosis error in meoisis in which homologous chromosomes fail to seperate
dna fingerprinting alleles that are capital letters and causes some genetic diseases
dominant alleles A genetic disease that causes mucus to build up inthe lungs and air passages
x chromosome analysis of sections of dna that have little or no known function
hemophilia sex-linked trait causes people not to produce clotting protiens
codominant alleles Process of changing the gene
Down syndrome chromosomes associated with males
duchenne muscular dystrophy A genetic disease that causes RBC to formed like cresents
gene therapy alleles that are one capital and one lower case letters that work together
nondisjunction On going effort to analyze the human DNA sequence
sex linked gene Sex-linked disorder that results in the progressive weakening and loss of skeletal muscle
pedigree gene located on the x or y chromosome
ABO blood group chromosome associated with females
colorblindness lower case letter that are generally associated with genetic disorders
Sickle Cell Disease the groups that decide blood type
recessive allele One of two chromosomes that determine an individuals sex
karyotype a sex linked trait that does not allow you to see color

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