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human body systems

m. villanueva

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smooth muscle stores urine
neuron pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body
peripheral nervous system a group of organs that work together; ex. nervous sys.
veins a large muscle that contracts to allow you to inhale
organ system heart muscle
skin a quick, automatic response to a stimulus; ex. blinking
cardiac muscle chemical formula for energy
respiratory system relays messages, processes information, and "thinks"
alveoli proteins that recognize and bind to antigens
right atrium eliminates liquid waste from the body
fertilization a group of cells that perform a single function; ex. blood
tissue anything that triggers an immune response; ex. viruse, bacteria or other pathogen
valves exchanges gases for the body: takes in oxygen and release carbon dioxide
neurotransmitters controls growth and development using hormones
ovary the smallest blood vessels
skeletal system found only in the heart
muscular system produces testosterone; makes the sperm
bladder helps protect the body from disease
myocardium breaksdown food; absorbs nutrients; eliminates solid waste
pancreas transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells; removes waste
T cells produces insulin to regulate blood sugar levels
central nervous system prevent blood from flowing back into the atria; ex. mitral
circulatory system supports the body, protects internal organs, allows for movement
large intestine guard against infection, fight parasites, attack bacteria
immune system makes red blood cells and some white blood cells
arteries tiny air sacs
white blood cells produces estrogen and progesterone; makes the egg
skeletal muscle propels food from the mouth to the stomach
ATP oxygen-poor blood from the upper and lower parts of the body enters the heart here
left atrium most chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs here
endocrine system the largest organ in the human body; part of the integumentary system
red blood cells cells that transmit impulses/messages for the nervous sys.
antibodies a barrier against bacteria; protects against ultraviolet radiation
right ventricle removes water from undigested food
excretory system not under your control; moves food through the digestive tract
cancer the basic unit of living things
red bone marrow works with skeletal system to produce movement; helps circulate blood
reflex carry oxygen-poor blood
left ventricle oxygen-rich blood enters the heart here
cell body defense against abnormal cells and pathogens; destroyed by HIV
antigen pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs
small intestine disease; an uncontrollable growth of cells
testis consists of all the nerves that are not part of the brain or spinal cord
esophagus a group of different tissues that work together; ex the eye
digestive system attached to bone; responsible for voluntary movement
kidney contain hemoglobin that binds to oxygen
integumentary system carry oxygen-rich blood
capillaries filters waste from the blood
trachea the process of sperm joining an egg
organ windpipe
diaphragm chemicals used to transmit messsages between neurons

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