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Energy Flow in Global Systems I

Nerissa Wong

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opensystem The tendancy of convection currents or other moving objects on the surface of Earth to weer sideways from their original course due to Earth's rotation on its axis
isolatedsystem The name for the Gulf Steam, a large surface current in the ocean, at the point where it reaches the British Isles
ElNino The solid outer later of Earth's surface, including the crust and upper part of the Earth's mantle
troposphere The mechanism of energy transfer in which atoms or molecules emit electromagnetic waves
rainshadow A current of moving air blowing from an ocean or large lake towards land
lithosphere The tilt of Earth's axis; the angle of the equator with respect to the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun
stratosphere A term referring to all the water on or near Earth's surface
climate A system that allows neither matter not energy to flow across the system's boundary
angleofinclination A system that allowed energy and matter to cross the system's boundary
gulfstream A physical change from one state to another
landbreeze A current of moving air blowing from land onto an ocean or large lake
jetstreams A lesser force per unit area that the air would exert on a surface
northatlanticdrift In biology, a combination of organs and tissues that perform a shared complex function (e.g., digestive system); the specific object or group of objects under observation
atmosphere A disruption of the ocean - atmospheric system in the tropical Pacific that typically occurs every 3 to 7 years
radiation A disruption of the ocean - atmospheric system that is opposite to that of El Nino, characterized by an increase in the strength of westward moving winds
Orographicprecipitation A mixture of nitrogen and oxygen and other gases that extend 800km above Earth's surface
heatoffusion Precipitation that develops when warm, moist air cools and condenses as it rises against mountains
sublimation A region that recieves little rain because it is situated on the side of a mountain farthest from the prevailing winds
system Currents of extremely fast moving air located 10-15km above Earth's surface
surroundings A change in state from a solid directly to a gas, or from a gas to a solid
weather The quantity of energy required to increase the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1 degrees Celcius
Corioliseffect The circulation of water among the oceans, land, and the atmosphere
radiationbudget A term referring to all water temporarily frozen in polar ice caps, snow, permafrost, and glaciers
clouds Everything other than the system under observations
seabreeze A greater force per unit area that the air would exert on a surface
cryrosphere The lowest layer of the atmosphere, reaching from Earth's surface (0km) to 12km above the surface
closedsystem The thin layer of air, land, and water on or near Earth's surface that contains all life on Earth
hydrosphere the ability of a surface to reflect light
greenhousegases A large surface current in the ocean that follows the eastern coastline of the United States and Canada, and then moves across the Atlantic towards Europe
highpressure The quantity of energy required to melt one mole of a substance
specificheatcapacity The retention of heat on and above Earth's surface by greenhouse gases
biosphere The energy and temperature balance maintained on Earth by radiating the same quanity of energy into space as it absorbed by the Sun
lowpressure The conditions of temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and precipitation at a particular time and place
LaNino The quanitity of energy required to convert one mole of a substance from a liquid to a gas
hydrologiccycle A system that allows energy, but not matter to cross the system's boundary
greenhouseeffect Accumulations of water droplets, found mostly in the troposphere
phasechange The later of the atmosphere located 13 and 50km above the Earth's surface
albedo The trend in temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and precipitation over a period of many years
heatofvaporization Gases that absorb infrared radiation released from Earth's surface and transmit it as hear in all directions, including back to Earth's surface

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