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Chapter 4: Ecosystems and Communities

*Sara Sullivan*


benthos The ____ zone is between 23.5 N and 23.5 S latitude
parasitism another name for the Boreal Forest
commensalism organisms that live in the pitch black part of ocean
habitat The place where any organism lives
weather Living things in an ecosystem are called ____ factors
polar free-floating or weakly swimming organisms
canopy A symbiotic relationship when both species benefit from the relationship
biotic Anything that is essential for life
permafrost a climate in a small area that differs from the climate around it
microclimate day-to-day atmospheric changes
abiotic A symbiotic relationship when one species is helped and the other is neither helped nor harmed
costal another name for the small plantlife in a rainforest
humus the atmospheric gases that keep the Earth warm are _____ gases
climate permanently frozen soil
tropical Non-living things in an ecosystem are called ____ factors
taiga trees that have thin leaves shaped like needles are ____
coniferous the _____ zone is the part of the ocean that producers can grow
resource The ____ zones have seasons and the angle of the sun changes throughout the year.
understory cold areas where the sun shines at a low angle are ___ zones.
photic A symbiotic relationship when one species is helped and the other is harmed
temperate the _____ zone is the part of the ocean that is permanently dark
mutualism year-after-year atmospheric changes
greenhouse decaying organic matter that fertilizes soil
aphotic the top layer of a rainforest
plankton the _____ ocean extends from the low-tide mark to the outer edge of the continental shelf

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