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The Cell


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plasma membrane cell having a true nucleus and membrane-bound internal organelles
organ system organisms made up of many cells that are highly specialized to perform specific functions
tissue plant organelles that store materials, including starch, lipids, and pigments
mitochondria the largest membrane-bound organelle; it contains the cell's DNA and manages cell functions
cell network of microtubules and microfilaments to provide support for organelles
prokaryote membrane-bound organelles containing enzymes that digest particles in the cell
cell wall an instrument that magnifies specimens by passing light through the object, then through two or more glass lenses
microtubule serves as the boundary between the cell adn its external environment
plastid group of organs that work together to perform a major life function
cytoskeleton cell lacking a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
organelle group of cells tha function together to carry out an activity
ribosome all living things are made of cells; the cell is the basic unit of organization; all cells come from preexisting cells
eukaryote membrane-bound organelles that break down food molecules to produce energy-storing molecules
unicellular folded, complex system of membranes forming a type of transport system in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
electron microscope firm, fairly inflexible structure outside the plasma membrane of plants, fungi, most bacteria, and some protists
cell theory group of two or more tissues that perform an activity together
nucleolus thin, hollow protein fibers present in the cytoskeleton
lysosome chlorophyll-containing organelle found in green plants and some protists; sight of photosynthesis
nucleus instrument that allows one to magnify, view, and photograph dead specimens by using a beam of electrons
chlorophyll long, threadlike projection from the plasma membrane that propels cells with a whiplike motion
microfilament membrane sacs that receive, modify, repackage, and distribute proteins in the cell
cilia embedded in the inner membrane of chloroplasts; this green pigment traps light energy
organ membrane-bound, fluid-filled space within the cytoplasm; temporarily stores food, enzymes, and wastes
compound light microscope short, numerous, hairlike projections on a cell's surface; have a coordinated "beating" activity
endoplasmic reticulum building block of all organisms
golgi apparatus long, tangled strands of DNA found in the interphase nucleus of eukaryotic cells
multicellular organism that carries out all its life processes within its single cell
cytoplasm region within the nucleus that produces ribosomes
vacuole organelles that are the site of protein synthesis
chloroplast thin, solid protein fibers present in the cytoskeleton
chromatin internal membrane-bound structures in a cell
flagella clear fluid in eukaryotic cells surround the nucleus and organelles

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