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All About Cells

Ms. Satchell

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metabolism the molecule that all living things have; provides instructions for making proteins
DNA acts a a barrier between the inside of the cell and the cell's environment
cytoplasm rigid, outer covering of a plant cell
lysosomes forms when part of the cell membrane surrounds an object and pinches off
eukaryotic the maintanence of a stable internal environment
vesicles special vesicles in animal cells that contain special enzymes; destroy worn-out or damaged organelles
Golgi complex the fluid and almost everything in the cell
chloroplast the organelle that produces ATP; considered the power plant of the cell
ribosomes cells that have a nucleus
endoplasmic reticulum the total of all the chemical activities an organism performs
vacuole processes, packages, and transports materials sent to it from the endoplasmic reticulum
prokaryotic found in plant cells; holds water and other liquids
cell wall the power plant of plant and algae; contains chlorophyll
mitochondria a living thing
nucleus holds the cell's DNA and controls its activities
homeostasis a change in an organism's environment that affects the activity of the organism
cell membrane cells that don't have a nucleus
stimulus structures inside of cells that enable them to live, grow, and reproduce
organism the internal delivery system of the cell; make lipids and breaks down drugs
organelles organelles inside the cell that make proteins

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