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Cell processes and Energy

Mrs. Accashian

Science Explorer - Chapter 10 Sections 1

Fermentation energy-rich organic compound made of the three elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Heterotroph Provides energy for cells without using oxygen.
Prophase HָO
Metaphase A cell structure that contains nucleic acids, the chemical instructions that direct all the cell's activities.
Anaphase An organism that cannot make its own food
Autotroph A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant or fungus.
Chromosome Doubled rod of condensed chromatin: contains DNA that carries genetic information.
Opposite Processes Photosynthesis and Respiration
Telophase Type of cell division occurring in the reproduction of germ cells at the time of gamete formation. This process occurs both n plants and animals.
Cell 6 COָ 6 HָO -light energy- CָH¹ָOָ 6 Oָ
Symbiosis The process by which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain.
coefficient The genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to child.
Carbon Dioxide Sister chromatids separate, and the now-daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell.
Water Structure in the cells of plants that captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food.
Protist Chromosome sets assemble at opposite poles, a nuclear envelope reforms around each set, and cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm) usually follows.
Carbohydrate The chromosomes become arranged on the metaphase plate and are attached to the now fully formed spindle.
Spore A close relationship between two organisms in which at least one of the organisms benefits.
Respiration Basic Unit of structure in all living things
Chloroplast Number in front of a chemical formula in an equation that indicates how many molecules or atoms of each reactant and product are involved in a reaction.
Photosynthesis Equation Small openings on the underside of a leaf through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move.
Photosynthesis The process by which a cell makes a copy of the DNA in its nucleus
Respiration Equation The process by which plants and some other organisms capture the energy in sunlight and use it to make food.
Stomata CָHָOָ 6 Oָ -------- 6 COָ 6 HָO energy
Meiosis COָ
Oxygen A tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism.
Pigment Chromosomes become visible, the nucleolus disappears, the mitotic spindle forms, and the nuclear envelope disappears.
DNA A chemical that produces color.
Mitosis An organism that makes its own food.
Replication The stage of the cell cycle during which the cell's nucleus divides into two new nuclei and one copy of DNA is distributed into each daughter cell.

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