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Cardiovascular System

Marissa Brito

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Atherosclerotic Plaque Services the incessantly active cardiac muscle cell of the heart.
Ascending Aorta Delievers oxygen-poor blood from heart to lungs.
Systolic Pressure Returns blood to the heart.
Pulmonary Artery Erythrocytes, filled with hemoglobin.
Atrial Fibrillation Thinnest heart wall layer.
Endocardium Carries oxygenated blood away from heart.
Arrrythmias Let's oxygen-rich blood from your lungs pass from left atrium into left ventricle.
Veins A muscular pump to move blood.
Pulmonary Arteries Electrocardiograms detect the condition of irregular heart beat.
Tricuspid Valve Thin-walled blood vessel.
Abdominal Aorta Carries blood away from the heart.
Blood Pressure Fluid pressure in the blood
Carotid Arteries Regulates blood flow from right atrium and right ventricle.
Brachial Artery Controls blood flow from the right ventricle into pulmonary artery.
Mitral Valve Recieves blood from brain and tissues and head.
Epicardium Walls of arteries to thicken and lose their elasticity.
Pulmonary Valve A fibrous mass forms at the top of it all.
Aortic Valve Delievers blood to arteries leading to digestive track.
Lymphocytes More dangerous than Atrial Fibrillation.
Capillaries A stable, unmoving clot in the artery.
Hypertension Distolic pressure 1/3 pressure.
Heart Recieves blood from viens of upper body.
Aorta Recieves blood from all veins below diaphragm.
Coronary Arteries Carries blood to your lungs to pick up oxygen.
Vasoconstriction Hearts largest artery.
Arteries Leukocytes.
Inferior Vena Cava Delievers blood to neck, head, and brain.
Blood Vessels Delivers oxygenated blood from lungs to heart.
Pulmonary Veins Help with blood clots
Jugular Veins Thickest heart wall layer.
Myocardium Consisting of liquid plasma and cells.
Ventricle Fibrillation Innermost heart wall layer.
Thrombus Constiction and contraction.
Arterial Pressure Peak pressure that contracting ventricles place against the artery wall.
Atherosclerosis Hyperstension and atherosclerosis.
Blood Relaxation and enlargement of vessels.
Superior Vena Cava Increased flow resistance in arteries.
Platelets Irregular heart beat condition.
Cholestrol Lowest Pressure.
Vasodilation Excessed only, eating foods high in it.
Cardiovascular Disorders the "channels" which carry blood away from all tissues.
Red Blood Cells Delievers blood to upper extermities.
Diastolic Pressure Opens the way for oxygen-rich blood to pass from left ventricle into the aorta.

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