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Chapter 2 Bacteriology

Mrs. Carr

No description

nonpathogenic harmless bacteria
bacteria the science that deals with the study of microorganisms
hiv a person who is personally immune to a disease yet can transmit germs to others
spirilla the virus that causes aids
flagella short rod-shaped organisms
carrier the ability of the body to destroy bacteria that have gained entrance, and resist infection
Immunity curved or corkscrew shaped organisms
saprophytes living organisms so small that they can pass through the pores of a porcelain filter
general infection one-celled microorganisms
parasites type of immunity that the body develops after it has overcome a disease
cocci pus forming organisms that grow in bunches or clusters
staphlococci nonpathogenic bacteria that lives on dead matter and does not produce disease
filterable viruses hairlike projections
bacteriology bloodstream carries the bacteria and their toxins to all parts of the body
pathogenic a virus that is transmitted through unprotected sex and sharing needles
aids round shaped organisms
bacilli pathogenic organisms that require living matter for their growth
acquired harmful organisms that produce disease

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