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Bacterial Genetics

Adaeze Duncan

Chapter 10 Study Guide

intercalatingagent A type of mutation that occurs as a result of exposure to natrual radiation that alters structure of DNA bases.
auxotroph Represses the SOS regulatory system.
revertant a type of mutagen that forms pyrimidine dimers (thymine dimers). A type of radiation.
competent When plasmids are removed from a cell the cell is said to be ____ of plasmids
ionizing A strain in which the wild-type phenotype that was lost in a mutant is restored.
lysogenic Part of the cycle that is characterized by integration of the bacteriophage nucleic acid into the host bacterium's genome. The newly integrated genetic material, called a prophage can be transmitted to daughter cells at each subsequent cell division, and a later event (such as UV radiation) can release it,
missense A combination of host and viral genetic material which gets passed on through reproduction.
nonsense A type of mutation that is not naturally occuring and usually happens in vitro to purposfully bring about a mutation.
prototroph The visual characteristics of the genotype.
lexa A type of screening method used for the detection of nutritional mutants. 2 words
induced Group formed when similar plasmids try to coexist with one another in the same cell.
replicaplating A cell that is able to take up DNA and be transformed is said to be.
recombination A strain carrying a mutation
transduction Genetic elements tha treplicate independently of the host chromosome.
point Mutagenicity test for carcinogens. 2 words
phenotype A type of selection that kills all growing prototrophic strains and leaves behind non growing auxotrophic strains.
basepairanalogs A type of mutation that occurs when a base pair is switched but do to the wobble hypothesis has no affect on the coded amino acid or protein
conjugation A type of mutation that occurs with an insertion or deletion of a base nucleotide.
complementation A type of mutation that form a stop codon resulting in the premature termination of translation.
penicillin A type of transduction in which DNA from a specific region of the host chromosome is integrated directly iinto the virus genome usually replacing some of the virus genes.
suppressor A type of mutagen that become inserted between two DNA base pairs and in the process push them apart. 2 words
transformation A mode of genetic exchange that transfers genetic information between cells through cell to cell contact.
lytic A type of mutation involving the change in one base pair.
frameshift A type of mutation that occurs when changed in base occurs in the first or second spot of a codon often resulting in significant changes.
screening a type of strain or mutant that has all of the necessary nutritional requirements to grow.
mutant The founder of this experiment in which live rough avirulent and dead smooth virulent cells were combined together and transformed to produce live virulent cells.
phageconversion a type of strain or mutant that does not have all of the necessary nutritional requirements to grow.
incompatibility Missing phrase2 - 5
generalized An altered phenotype or mutant phenotype. 2 words
griffith Part of the cycle that results in the destruction of the infected cell.
plasmid A mode of genetic exchange that occurs when the donor DNA transfer is mediated by a virus.
amestest A type of radiation that is the most powerful and causes the ionization of substances.
specialized A change in the base pairs of a genome.
uv An isolation process by which certains trains are able to survive their parental strains under enviornmental conditions and live on.
prophage The physical exchange of genes between genetic elements.
selection Founder of this experiment discovered conjugation as a means of genetic recombination.
wildtype A type of mutation that compensates for the efect of the original mutation and restores the original phenotype.
curing Founder of this experiement famous for the U-tube experiement in which transformation could take place in a tube rather than in mice.
spontaneous A type of regulatory system in which DNA repair occurs in the absence of a template instruction
avery A isolating process by which large numbers of colonies are examined and different looking colonies are picked.
SOS A type of transduction in which host DNA derived from any portion of the host genome becomes a part of th virion DNA in place of virus genome.
mutagen A mode of genetic exchange in which DNA is released from one cell and is taken up by another.
mutation ANy chemical, physical and biological agents that can increase the rate of mutation.
silent When a cell is lysogenized by a normal phage and its DNA is converted to the prophage state.
tatum Molecules that resemble purines and pyrimidine bases in structure yet display faulty pairing properties. 3 words

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