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Arthropods: Order Decapoda and Subphylum Uniramia

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Diplosegments last larval stage before juvenile in saltwater Decapods
zoea direct development that is found only in Hemiptera
Branchiostegite small food is absorbed and final digestion takes place, also site of enzme production
HemimetabolousDevelopment gills found in the branchial chamber that are an extension of the carapace
Haltenes segments resulting from the fusion of adjacent segments with 2 pr of feet, 2 pr of gangalia, etc; found in Diplopoda
protozoea enriched diet given to bees for the first three days but it later restricted to workers
chelipods gas exchange system in Insecta that breaks down into trachial tubes and is open to the surface
Megalops gill that attaches to the body wall, Decapods
proventriculus larval stage that follows zoea in Decapods
HolometabolousDevelopment larval larval stage in Peneaus, equivalent to zoea in crabs
Mysis larval stage that follows hatching in Peneaus, lasts 5 instars
pleurobranch dance that shows a specific direction and distance from the hive, first noted by Karl Von Frisch
scaphognathite pincers in Decapods, the first pair of pereiopods
hepatopancreas found at the base of antennules and used for equilibruim in Decapods
Nauplius plankotic larval stage in Decapods that follows spawning and lasts 5-6 instars
Urihayline incomplete metamorphosis in dragonflys, stone flys, and damsel flys
QueenSubstance located at the base of walking legs and can pull water out of damp soil to branchial chamber, Decapods
Elytra 2 gills that attach to articulating membrane, Decapods
Gonopods complete metamorphosis in beetles, mosquitos, wasps and bees
Arthrobranch 1st and 2nd pair of appendages used for copulation in males and brooding in females, Decapods
spiracles wing covers in beetles, located on the mesothorax, Uniramia
RoundDance wins located on the metathorax and used to stabilize in flight
Puerulus pharamone the Queen produces that will be picked up by workers to inhibit growth of reproduction system
PaurometabolousDevelopment gills that attaches to the coxa
podobranch corrosive chemcical used as a defensive mechanism in Diplopoda
statocysts dance used by bees to show location of food close to hive, first noted by Karl Von Frisch
CapillarySetae pre-zoea stage in Peneaus that follows the Nauplis, lasts three instars
Labium flattened appendages attached to the base of the 2nd maxillia that draws in water, Decapods
RoyalJelly animals capable of withstanding various salinities, usually Decapods and Callinectes
RepugnantorialGlands part of the digestive tract in Insecta that is used to grind up food
WaggingDance head appendage in Insecta that is similar to 2nd maxillae

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