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Test Your Aquatic Invasive Species Knowledge!

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dydimo These suckers were a major factor in the collapse of the GL's Lake Trout industry in the 40's and 50's. Annual costs to US and Canada >12 million dollars.
quaggamussel A relative to another prolific AIS, this species was introduced into Lake Erie in 1989 and prefers a more deeper and darker home compared to its other non-native Dreissenid relative. Millions of dollars are spent annually on damage control due to this species.
roundgoby A popular family pet, this AIS is anything by slow when taking over an area. Its establishment is a direct result of human introductions.
whiteperch Although this may look nice in your home aquarium, this asian import outcrowds native flora and decreases fish habitat as well as fishing ability.
bigheadcarp These 4-6 inch fish are aggressive predators and can feed efficiently in the dark resulting in many GL walleye fishermen catching them instead of the intended percid. Although you may be the brunt of jokes due to your "big catch", these non-targets are in no way a laughing matter.
VHS This non-native relative to the perch and walleye caused a massive decline in 9 native fish species in GL harbors.
snakehead Spread by bait bucket releases, these crabby crustaceans not only decrease native flora and fauna but are known to go after the toes of swimmers!
zebramussel Introduced to our area around 2003, this AIS is known to have the ability to target at least 30 of our fish species in the Commonwealth. A deep freeze won't stop this AIS from doing its dirty work.
spinywaterflea Native to our lower GL's and Three River's systems there is nothing "puurrrfect" about the introduction of these ictalurids into other PA waters.
purpleloosestrife Introduced by ballast water, these equestrian named water dwellers have "byssal threads" that allow them to attach to anything resulting in >30 million dollars annually being spent by GL water users.
eurasianwatermilfoil This diatom spreads easily, quickly, coats rocks, and isn't slimy. Feeling like "wool" and looking like "toilet paper"!
hydrilla Introduced in the mid 1920's this species is now found in many of our waters in PA competing with native bivalves and causing economic damage. This non-native is different from the similar native species by exhibiting shells that have ridges like a washboard.
silvercarp Native to Asia, and named for their large scaleless head, this is one of the two AIS introduced to the US by catfish farmers. These fish have been recorded at close to 100lbs and have the ability to significantly decimate any fishery that they are introduced into. They are currently working their way up the Mississippi River.
sealamprey One of the two AIS introduced into the Mississippi River system accidently by US catfish farmers, these species are best known for jumping out of the water in response to boat motors resulting in many anglers being struck and injured. There is currently an electrical barrier in place to prevent these invasives from entering our GL system.
flatheadcatfish This fish can breathe atmospheric air and "walk" on land.
red-earedslider This native of Europe grows so quickly and densely that it results in poor fish habitat, not to mention damage to recreation.
rustycrayfish Not in the same family as the yellow. Although this species is native to some estuarine parts of PA if is being stocked illegally in others resulting in population declines of our native fish.
europeanruffe You won't find this jumping on your dog! It is actually a tiny crustacean now found in the GL's that, due to its structure, is eaten by very few fish. It prey's upon native daphnia which is a very important zooplankton, especially for young walleye.
asianclam Although this AIS flowers it is by no means "pretty" for PA offering little benefit to wildlife in addition to costing US 45 million dollars annually. It is currently found in all of PA's river drainages.

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