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Ch. 3 - Part 2 - Review

Ms. Vincent

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galileo The fuzzy outer layer of a comet.
herschel Its rings look somewhat like those of a compact disc.
extraterrestrial This moon of Jupiter has large active volcanoes.
gasgiant Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune.
asteroids Hydrogen and _____ make up most of the Gas Giants.
io He discovered Uranus, which started a new world-wide interest in astronomy.
helium Pluto's current classification.
goldilocks It's not a planet anymore!
greatdarkspot A doughnut-shaped region that stretches from around Pluto's orbit to about 100 times Earth's distance from the sun.
charon On a comet, it usually points away from the sun.
planetoid Thought to be a large storm on Neptune, it has since disappeared.
terrestrial A streak of light in the sky that is produced when a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere.
oortcloud He did not invent the telescope, but he did discover four of the moons of Jupiter.
saturn Rocky objects revolving around the sun that are too small to be considered planets.
kuiperbelt Where we think most comets originate.
solid One of Jupiter's moons, its surface is icy and full of craters.
jupiter It rotates on its side, probably because of a huge impact from a space object.
rings When a meteoroid actually makes it to the surface of the Earth before it completely burns up.
meteorite A chunk of rock or dust in space.
uranus We are not sure if it is Pluto's moon or if Pluto is its moon!
comet Because it seems to have ice that melts and reforms, it is thought that microscopic life could form here.
greatredspot Small thin disks of rock and ice that are found around the Gas Giants.
meteoroid Life that exists other than that on Earth.
meteor The surface of Jupiter is not ____.
coma Collection of ice, dust and rock that orbits the sun in a very elliptical orbit.
pluto It's blue-green color is due to methane in its atmosphere.
voyager ______ conditions - what scientists feel are right for the development of life.
tail "of the earth"
Europa Without this probe and its brother, we would know very little about the outer planets.
callisto A hurricane that has raged on Jupiter with no signs of stopping.
neptune The largest planet in our solar system.

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