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Chapter 4 - Vocabulary Review

Ms. Vincent

Review of Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

whitedwarf The apparent change in positions of an object when you look at it from different places.
constellation Most of the known stars fall along this in the H-R diagram.
lightyear Our sun is one.
nebula These stars are only about 20km in diameter.
brightness Betelgeuse is a ___ star.
pulsar An object in space with gravity so intense even light cannot escape.
neutron The ___ of a star depends on its temperature.
mainsequence A large cloud of gas and dust in the universe which gives birth to stars.
milkyway The brilliant explosion of a dying supergiant star.
star Device that breaks up light from elements into colors and produces an image like a rainbow.
orion Imaginary pattern of stars.
spectrograph An extremely large, but fairly cool star.
neutronstar "The Hunter"
scientificnotation A star in its earliest stage of life.
supernova Uses powers of ten to write very large or very small numbers in a shorter form.
hertzsprungrussell ____ brightness is how bright a star is measured from a standard distance away.
parallax The small, dense remains of a high-mass star after a supernova.
absolute Our galaxy.
betelgeuse ___ brightness is how bright a star looks from Earth.
quasar A huge group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust and gas bound together by gravity.
supergiant The distance light travels in one year.
blackhole A rapidly spinning neutron star that produces radio waves.
apparent An enormously bright, distant galaxy with a giant black hole at its center.
protostar What is left behind when a low-mass or medium-mass star dies.
galaxy This diagram shows the relationships between color, temperature, and absolute brightness of stars.

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