north celestial pole | | pair of quantities, right ascension and declination (2wds) |
summer solstice | | a human grouping of stars in the night sky into a recognizable pattern |
right ascenstion | | date on which the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward, near March 21(2wds) |
galaxy | | point on the celestial sphere directly above Earth's North Pole (3wds) |
seasons | | the period of time between the instant when the Sun is directly overhead to the next time it is directly overhead (2wds) |
astronomical unit | | imaginary sphere surrounding Earth (2wds) |
solar day | | changes in average temperature and length of day that result from the tilt of the Earth's axis |
celestial sphere | | celestial coordinate used to measure longitude on the celestial sphere (2 wds) |
declination | | celestial coordinate used to measure latitude above and below the celestial equator on the celestial sphere |
ecliptic | | one of eight bodies that orbit the Sun, visible to us by reflected sunlight |
zodiac | | point on the ecliptic where the Sun is at its northernmost point above the celestial sphere (2wds) |
celestial coordinates | | date on which the Sun crosses the celestial sphere moving southward, near Sept . 22 (2wds) |
autumnal equinox | | the average distance of Earth from the Sun (2wds) |
tropical year | | gravitationally bound collection of a large number of stars |
planet | | the time interval between one vernal equinox and the next.(2wds) |
celestial equator | | the time needed between successive risings of a given star (2wds) |
south celestial pole | | the projection of Earth's equator onto the celestial sphere (2wds) |
triangulation | | point on the celestial sphere directly below Earth's South Pole (3wds) |
vernal equinox | | the twelve constellations on the celestial sphere through which the Sun appears |
parallax | | the apparent motion of a relatively close object with respect to a more distant background |
constellation | | method of determining distance based on the principle of geometry |
sideral year | | the apparent path of the Sun |