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Observing the sky-

Mrs. Weimer

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calendar a section of the sky that contains a recognizable star pattern
tychobrahe the apparent path the sun takes across the celestial sphere each year
electromagneticspectrum all the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
lightyear wrote a book that combined all the ancient knowledge of astronomy he could find
year the time required for the Earth to orbit the sun once
day the time required for the Earth to rotate once on it's axis
isaacnewton a danish astronomer who used several tools to observe the sky
romancalendar this scientist successfully explained the phases of the moon and the eclipses
ptolemy a system for organizing time
month first scientist to explain why celestial objects move as they do
leapyear our modern calendar was developed from this
stonehenge a measure of how far east an object is from the point at which the sun appears on the first day of spring
altitude a telescope that uses curved mirrors to gather and focus light
babylon a grouping of stones near this place is the earliest recording of astronomical observations
reflectingtelescope another ancient site that is probably used to make observations of the sky, located near Salisbury, England
constellation a measure of how far north or south an object is from the celestial equator
juliuscaesar an instrument that collects electromagnetic radiation from the sky and concentrates it for better observation
johanneskepler this theory states that the sun is the center of the universe
refractingtelescope the first scientist to successfully use a telescope to observe the night sky
rightascension a unit of length equal to the distance that light travels through space in 1 year
declination a year in which an extra day is added to the calendar
copernicus the assistant of tycho brahe, who continued brahe's work
williamherschel this theory stated that the Earth is the center of the universe
eclitpic discovered Uranus in 1781
galileo the angle between an object in the sky and the horizon
telescope person who created the julian calendar
astronomy a telescope that uses a set of lenses to gather and focus light
nabta roughly the amount of time required for the moon to orbit the Earth once
aristotle this ancient civilization was the heart of the major empire located in present day Iraq
ptolemaic the study of all physical objects beyond earth

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