Sodium | | Found on rings and in meteorites that came from comets. |
IonTail | | The tail is made of... |
SiliconDioxide | | Solid on earth and in space found in comas and tails. |
Crust | | The shape of a comets orbit. |
DustTail | | Takes hundred of yers to... |
Atmosphere | | The layer of earth we are on. |
Rock | | Chemical found in comet tails also called salt. |
Diamond | | How large its orbit is. |
Magma | | One part of the tail made of dust. |
CarbonDioxide | | Cemical found in comet comas. |
Dust | | Dirty snowball in space. |
Methane | | This is what keeps oxygen on earth. |
Sun | | The only planet with life that we know of. |
Dust | | Comets orbit around the... |
Ice | | Another part of the tail made of gas particles. |
Graphite | | A gas on earth that is found in comet comas. |
IonDust | | Where they are found. |
Big | | Cemical found in comet comas and tails. |
Elipse | | Made of carbon dioxide. |
Comet | | What the nucleus is made of. |
Earth | | One of the 3 things a comet is made of. |
Coma | | Another thing a comet is made of. |
Space | | This is whats in the center of the earth. |
Ammonia | | One other thing a comet is made of. |
Orbit | | C02 found in comet comas and tails. |