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Comet Crossword

Ben Hussing

Information about comets and how they compare to earth

Sodium Found on rings and in meteorites that came from comets.
IonTail The tail is made of...
SiliconDioxide Solid on earth and in space found in comas and tails.
Crust The shape of a comets orbit.
DustTail Takes hundred of yers to...
Atmosphere The layer of earth we are on.
Rock Chemical found in comet tails also called salt.
Diamond How large its orbit is.
Magma One part of the tail made of dust.
CarbonDioxide Cemical found in comet comas.
Dust Dirty snowball in space.
Methane This is what keeps oxygen on earth.
Sun The only planet with life that we know of.
Dust Comets orbit around the...
Ice Another part of the tail made of gas particles.
Graphite A gas on earth that is found in comet comas.
IonDust Where they are found.
Big Cemical found in comet comas and tails.
Elipse Made of carbon dioxide.
Comet What the nucleus is made of.
Earth One of the 3 things a comet is made of.
Coma Another thing a comet is made of.
Space This is whats in the center of the earth.
Ammonia One other thing a comet is made of.
Orbit C02 found in comet comas and tails.

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