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ASTRONOMY...The Most Fundamental Science

Bill Scott

ASTRONOMY is often referred to as the first "true" science in our human history. Scientific observations, measurements, and calculations gave rise to logical conclusions that set "science" on its feet and led to the development of other sciences. Of course, new discoveries with modern technologies continuously change our knowledge base. Hopefully, this basic puzzle will provide current and universally understood terms and concepts

NASA Our Sun and all objects which revolve around it through time
Armstrong Kansas astronaut from Salina, KS
Thermonuclear fate of the largest mass stars; gravity so strong, even light rays cannot escape
Engle famous comet with 76 year cycle of revolution around our Sun
Mars belt of rock/mineral particles orbiting between Mars
RedGiant Kansas astronaut from Chapman, KS
Hubble closest planet to Sun; no atmosphere; no moons; erratic temperatures
Jupiter until 2008, was considered to be our ninth and outermost solar system planet
Aristarchus most accepted theory of beginning of universe from scientific evidence
Saturn day is longer than its year; no moons; thick, toxic atmosphere; evening "star"
Venus eclipse in which our Moon blocks our Sun's light from striking Earth
Pluto water discovered on surface; reddish soil; 2 moons; "Olympus Mons"
Luna only astronomical body supporting life as we know it; amazing, awesome!
Mercury known for extensive ring system; least dense of all planets; 24 known moons
Solar meteor of adequate size to survive Earth's atmosphere and strike our surface
Evans the galaxy to which we belong; estimated over 200 million stars in our galaxy
blackhole reaction initiates "birth" of star; fusion of hydrogen to helium; at least 10 million K
Halleys when asteroid chunk enters Earth's atmosphere and begins to "burn-up"; shooting star
Meteoroid acronym for National Aeronautic
Lunar source of many long-term comets; trillions of comets possible here
Meteor Pioneer in study of earth, moon, sun, and their interrelationships
MilkyWay its largest moon, Triton, has liquid nitrogen geysers; may have 11 moons
Hawley orbiting telescope deployed in 1990; source of many of our most prized images of space
Meteorite Greek/Latin name for our Moon
Neptune Most likely, the fate of our Sun in about 5 billion years from today
nova quasi-stellar radio sources; brightest objects in universe; remnants of "big bang"?
Mass most determining factor in prediction of star's "life-cycle"; original amount of matter
solarsystem Kansas astronaut from Topeka, KS
OortCloud chunk of asteroid material being attracted to Earth by gravity
Uranus eclipse in which the Earth blocks the Sun's light from striking our Moon
quasars First human to set foot on our Moon; 7-20-1969; Apollo 11 mission
Earth frigid cold; perturbations led to discovery of Neptune; 2X our distance from Sun
Asteroids larger than all other planets combined; gas giant; one day is only 10 hours!
KuiperBelt Pluto is the "king'. TNO's; many comets originate here; outside Neptune's orbit
BigBang means "new star" event; actually gigantic explosion which may repeat periodically

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