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Astronomy 101

Mr. Raymond

Complete the puzzle using your science textbook and Ch. 16 packet.

eclipse Nuclear fusion occurs in the ______, or center, of the sun.
Mercury Planet with 49 total moons and a Great Red Spot that is a storm more than 400 years old
Galileo "Sun ______" are cooler, dark spots on the sun
Belt The time require for Earth to rotate once on its axis is one
corona Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is a region of rocky objects called the ______.
sun The Earth is tilted on its _________ at 23.5 degrees
day The atmospheres of the gas giants are composed mainly of the element ______.
core Magnetic storms are a result of an increase in solar wind caused by explosions called ______.
Year The planets that are closer to the sun than Earth are Venus and _____.
Mars Most ancient astronomers thought that all celestial objects revolved around _________.
Earth The tendency for an object in motion to continue in a straight line is called _________.
gravity The "Asteroid ______" is located between Mars and Jupiter
axis The force that pulls the moon toward Earth is called _______.
prominence The middle layer of the sun's atmosphere is the ________.
asteroid belt The only outer planet with a solid surface is ______.
spots The study of all physical objects beyond Earth
planet Types of planets that are small, dense, and have rocky surfaces
hydrogen Occurs when the shadow of one celestial body falls on another
solar The first person to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies
satellite Each planet and its moons form a small system. These systems combine to form the larger ______ system.
solar flares Called the "Red Planet"
nuclear fusion The sun's ______, which looks like a halo, can usually be seen only during an eclipse.
inertia The sun's energy comes from the process of __________, in which hydrogen atoms form helium.
Saturn A natural or artificial body that revolves around larger bodies like planets
terrestrial A loop of gas that links different parts of sunspot regions is a ________.
astronomy Planet that is famous for its spectacular rings
chromosphere A celestial body that is in orbit around the sun
Pluto The time required for the Earth to orbit the sun is one
Jupiter The closest star to Earth

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