Perigee | | The portion of Saturn's rings on either side of the planet. |
Airburst | | A circulation cell which forms at the mid-latitudes of a rotating planet to balance the transport by the Hadley and polar cells. |
Apollo Asteroids | | Tidal forces cause orbits to go to a state of lowest energy while conserving angular momentum. |
Aeronomy | | The study of the upper atmosphere of the Earth or another planet. |
Ionosphere | | Caused when the Earth passes through the dust of a comet's tail. |
Thermosphere | | The closest planet to the Sun. |
Asteroid Belt | | The region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in which most asteroids are found. |
Mercury | | What a meteorite is called as it is falling through the sky. |
Horse Latitudes | | The periapsis of an elliptical orbit around the Earth. |
Meteor | | A protoplanetary disk. |
Tides | | A weakly ionized region of the Earth's atmosphere which conducts electricity |
Black Drop Effect | | A class of asteroids with Earth-crossing orbits. |
Meteor Shower | | One of the four cells created by convection currents on a rotating planet. |
Ferrel Cell | | A law giving the approximate distances of the planets from the Sun |
Amor Asteroid | | The latitudes where the Hadley and Ferrel cells meet. |
Proplyd | | The appearance of a dark band connecting Venus and the Sun during the beginning and end of transits. |
Bode's Law | | The region of the Earth's atmosphere from roughly 80-500 km altitude. It includes the ionosphere. |
Hadley Cell | | The explosion of an asteroidal meteorite which has entered the Earth's atmosphere before it reaches the ground. |
Ansae | | A liquid-giant planet whose atmosphere is composed of hydrogen and helium, with methane, ammonia, H2S, and water as condensable aerosols. |
Jupiter | | A class of asteroids with Mars-crossing orbits. |