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Making photographs using an enlarger.

Mrs D Draper

A crossword puzzle about using the enlarger to make photographs. Some of the words are the answers to the cloze passage of the same name.

bath The light in the classroom.
negatives Where photographs are made.
time Not dull.
black Block the light from entering the darkroom.
sharp The adjective of photography.
carrier Can happen when the developer is old.
grey A tray with chemicals in it.
underdeveloped Small piece of paper used to work out time.
baseboard Used to take photographs.
fogged Tonal value between white and black.
photographic Negatives in the negative carrier face this way.
curtains Measured by a clock.
red Stops the developing process.
clock Stops the air being fouled.
knob The hidden image on the paper before developing.
emulsion Liquids used in the photographic process.
image Too much light onto the negative.
downwards What people do for the camera.
camera Graded from 00 to 5.
exhaust Not off.
darkroom Necessary for correct times when processing.
white When light effects the paper before it is used.
filter Wooden part of the enlarger.
chemicals An adjustment tool on the enlarger.
overexposed Plastic strips with images.
on The darkest tone on a photograph.
pose An arty word for picture.
latent The light sensitive chemical on negatives and paper.
test strip A primary colour.
stop bath A place in the enlarger to put the negatives.

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