bath | | The light in the classroom. |
negatives | | Where photographs are made. |
time | | Not dull. |
black | | Block the light from entering the darkroom. |
sharp | | The adjective of photography. |
carrier | | Can happen when the developer is old. |
grey | | A tray with chemicals in it. |
underdeveloped | | Small piece of paper used to work out time. |
baseboard | | Used to take photographs. |
fogged | | Tonal value between white and black. |
photographic | | Negatives in the negative carrier face this way. |
curtains | | Measured by a clock. |
red | | Stops the developing process. |
clock | | Stops the air being fouled. |
knob | | The hidden image on the paper before developing. |
emulsion | | Liquids used in the photographic process. |
image | | Too much light onto the negative. |
downwards | | What people do for the camera. |
camera | | Graded from 00 to 5. |
exhaust | | Not off. |
darkroom | | Necessary for correct times when processing. |
white | | When light effects the paper before it is used. |
filter | | Wooden part of the enlarger. |
chemicals | | An adjustment tool on the enlarger. |
overexposed | | Plastic strips with images. |
on | | The darkest tone on a photograph. |
pose | | An arty word for picture. |
latent | | The light sensitive chemical on negatives and paper. |
test strip | | A primary colour. |
stop bath | | A place in the enlarger to put the negatives. |