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Compositional Elements in Photography

Ms. Carroll

Beginning photography class compositional elements quiz.(there is no space between two word answers)

Rhythm Used to help create an illusion of depth
Foreground Where shapes do not exist
Leading Lines Used to draw the viewers eye through the composition or to the main subject
Frame A composition that is most likely asymmetrical but does not feel unbalanced
Tension You should always make sure that your horizon line is
Vanishing Point The best type of composition to make sure your viewer can determine your main subject
Composition The edges of a photograph
Asymmetrical Can divide, unify, or accent certain parts of a composition
Diagonal Line Repeating of elements within an image that have a similar shape
Curved Line An image that is hard to determine the main subject
Horizon Line The front of the photo
Complex Two or more lines that travel in space at an equal distance from each other never touching
Parallel The center part of an image
Middle Ground A composition that is equal on both sides
Negative Space Where shapes exist
Background Has to do with the relationship of your subject to the edge of the frame
Symmetrical The compositional elements and the arrangement of them to achieve an effect
Main Subject Where the sky and the sea meet
Balance The object that is the center of your photograph. What your photograph is 'about'
Straight The point at which parallel lines, viewed from an angle appear to converge.
Simple Used to draw the viewers eye through the composition or to the main subject
Positive Space A composition that is not equal on both sides
Lines The back part of the photograph

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