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BGFA Membership Crossword


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gaurde Judges art
Armory Type of paints
impasto Associated with the Aschcan School
nude The second order of classical Greek architecture
starving An 18th century style which emphasized the carefree life
Modernism Supports a painter's canvas
splatter To fling paint
Bellagio A method of painting on plaster
okeeffe Fabric material used to paint on
selfportrait "Trick of the eye"
gouache The ________ Show, an exhibition in 1913
oils Group of artists who recaptured the Renaissance in the 17th century
ceramics German school of art and design
Boston Museum volunteer
ionic Italian for "beautiful lake"
Rivera The angle of which something is looked at or considered (abbr.)
Steiglitz An unclothed live model
chiaroscuro Mexican muralist
trompeloeil Paintings of subjects and scenes from everyday life
Bauhaus Avante _________
canvas The use of light and dark shading in painting
studio Pablo Picasso's specialty
basrelief Surreal artist
easel _______-Classicism
Dada One's own image (hyph.)
NYC The art of pottery which is fired in a kiln
critic Artist known for her flower paintings
Cubism Artist hub (abbr.)
fresco 1960s art movement which included Warhol and Johns
exhibit Progressive art movement beginning in the early 20th century
blue "Low-raised work"
theeight A heavy, opaque watercolor paint
Preraphealites Prominent photographer, gallery owner, and #___ across/down's husband
Salon "Readymade" art
Pop The very thick application of paint (e.g. Van Gogh)
Met The capital of Massachusetts
Rococo Primary color
POV A public showing of works of art
Dali A 17th century annual exhibition held in Paris, presented by the Royal French Academy
genre Famous NY museum
Neo "_______ artist"
docent Artist's lair

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