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State Birds

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Mountian bluebird The state bird of Missouri, and New York
Common Loon The state bird of Minnesota
Nene The state bird of Maryland
American Goldfinch The state bird of Rhode Island
Brown Pelican The state bird of Alabama
Rhode Island Red The state bird of Idaho, and Nevada
Baltimore Oriol The state bird of South Carolina
Eastern Bluebird The state bird of New Hampshire
Roadrunner The state bird of South Dakota
Blue Hen Chicken The state bird of Arkansas, Flordia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas
Brown Thrasher The state bird of Arizona
Ringnecked Phaesant The state bird of California
American Robin The state bird of New Mexico
Lark Bunting The state bird of Colorado
Ruffed Grouse The state bird of Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, and Wyoming
Mockingbird The state bird of Pennsylvania
California Gull The state bird of Maine, and Massachusetts
Willow Ptarmigan The state bird of Delaware
Purple Finch The state bird of Louisiana
Hermit Thrasher The state bird of Utah
Yellowhammer The state bird of Vermont
Scissortailed Flycatcher The state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin
California Wren The state bird of Alaska
California Quail The state bird of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia
Castus Wren The state bird of Oklahoma
Blackcapped Chickedee The state bird of Georgia
Western Meadowlark The state bird of Hawaii
Cardinal The state bird of Iowa, New Jersey, and Washington

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