endoskeleton | | the name of the shell that covers the cephalothorax |
crustacea | | another name for the large digestive "tomali" in some crustaceans |
carapace | | squids have two attached at the gills, one that supplies the rest of the body |
medusa | | animals in this phylum have jointed appendages and a chitinous exoskeleton. |
bivalvia | | another name for "losing your guts", especially in sea cucumbers |
gastropoda | | a class of mollusk with animals that have a muscular foot and, in many cases, a spiral shell |
molt | | when a sea star or arthropod replaces a lost appendage |
planula | | the main body region of a crustacean |
hepatopancreas | | the name of the first type of crab larvae |
ambulacral | | the bell-shaped stage of a cnidarian |
cephalopoda | | animals in this subphylum have two pairs of antennae, compound eyes and gills. |
arthropoda | | the name of the sponge and cnidarian larvae |
alternationofgenerations | | the description of the cnidarian life cycle which changes from medusa to polyp |
aristotleslantern | | the appendages that make up the mouth of a crustacean |
echinoidea | | a class of mollusk with 8 or more arms |
eviscerate | | the name of the second type of crab larvae |
tubefeet | | the animals in this mollusk class have two shells. |
brittlestars | | the five large teeth found in sea urchins |
gastric mill | | agile, scrawny sea stars in the class ophiuroidea |
asteroidea | | in crustaceans, these are attached to the legs and are found under the carapace. |
megalops | | in mollusks, a tongue with teeth |
radula | | the "teeth" in the stomach of a crustacean |
maxillipeds | | the class of echinderms that includes sand dollars and sea urchins |
papillae | | the phylum of invertebrates that includes sea stars, urchins and sand dollars |
echinodermata | | the shell-like endoskeleton of sea urchins |
gills | | squids have eight arms and two of these longer appendages |
cheliped | | the class name for sea cucumbers |
cephalothorax | | the name for a skeleton found on the inside of organism |
zoea | | the large claw-bearing appendages of crustaceans |
tentacles | | these structures cut through the body walls of some echinoderms allowing them to respire |
heart | | what crustaceans must do to grow a new exoskeleton |
regenerate | | the class of echinoderms that includes sea stars |
test | | the groove in which tubefeet of echinoderms are found |
holothuroidea | | the dozens of suction-cups that allow echinoderms to crawl |