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Casey the horse person

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Mare A "Wild horse of Australia
Przewalskishorse The triangular Sensitive thing underneath a horse's hoof, helps to absorb shock of running (Like the arch of your foot)
Halter The equipment that A horse wears on its head when riding
Horse A spot on a horse's forehead
Stocking The house of a horse
Gelding A horse of any gender that is 1 year old
Canter When the markings on a horse's legs are just below the ergot
Sock A draft breed named after Clyde Valley in Scotland
Stall The longer hairs on a horse's neck
Hand Also called headcollar, keeps a horse from lifting its head too high
Pony A quick walk
Breyer The oldest domestic horse breed
Rack When The markings on a horse's legs got to teh fetlock
Snip A horse with a light brown body and the same color mane and tail
Yearling A company that makes model horses
Clydesdale A horse of any gender under 1 year
Racing The hard fingernail-like tissue, alos a horse's foot
Brumby A male horse under 4 years
Bald A horse with a tan body and black mane and tail
Equine The largest breed of horse
Heel A pinto that has brown or brownish patches
Whinny When most of the head is white
Dappled A horse with a single colored boy and several white hairs
Frog A wild horse of Mongolia
Bridle A horse with a golden body and white mane and tail
Stripe A male horse over 4 years that hasn't been fixed, therefore he can breed
Hoof A brown horse with black mane and tail
Forelock An equine animal that is 14.2 hands or below
Skewbald A "wild" horse of North America
Thoroughbred A horse that has 1 color (Usually white) and patches of another color
Saddle Where a horse usually sleeps
Mustang The seat you sit on to ride
Mane A small patch on a horse's muzzle
Buckskin A 5th gait that a horse lifts its legs high
Colt How you measure a horse
Withers Part of a horse's face that is white
Blaze A sl;ow smoother version of a gallop
Roan An equine animal that is 14.2 hands or above
Stable The rubber boots a horse sometimes wears when riding
Chestnut The category of a horse (Cat is a feline)
Piebald The part of the mane that goes to the forehead
Trot A spotted horse that was bred by the Nez Perce Indians, named after the Palouse River
Pinto A line down the middle of a horse's face
Bellboots The fastest horse pace (Not sprint)
Pasture The smallest breed of horse
Nicker A female horse under 4 years
Bay A horse that is very athletic, often confused with purebred
Arabian A very cruel sport for a horse in which they run around a track
Stallion The sound a horse makes (Not neigh)
Falabella The Shaves space where you put the top of the bridle or halter
Palomino The fenced in area where a horse grazes also called paddock
Bridlepath A female horse that is over 4 years
Foal The large hump at the base of a horse's neck, where you measure its height
Appaloosa When the markings on some horse's legs goes most of the way up the horse's legs
Filly The long strap that goes along the part of the body with the same name also called barrel, holds the saddle in place
Gallop A male horse that has been fixed so he can't breed
Girth A pinto that has black patches
Shire Large spots on a horse
Martingale A welcome a horse gives
Star Teh equipment you put on a horse's head to lead it around

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