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Bethany Lewis

Created especially for the WWU Equestrian club!

Poll End post that holds up a pole for jumping
Affirmed The breed with a tightly curled coat
Round Pen The horse that could "count"
Arabian Sport requiring the horse to pull a cart
Backing Place where a horse should "flex"
Halt "Hi Ho _____, Away!"
Flash A horse's fastest gait
Traveller Back of saddle
Reining Front of saddle
Silver The desert horse
Pie A mythical species of horned horse
Sleipnir Sport requiring horse to "spin"
Clever Hans Tonto's horse
grain Stop
Gallop Stonewall Jackson's horse
Lipizzan Odin's eight-legged horse
Cavelletti Western turn that require the horse to sit back on their hind-quarters
Comanche Sport requiring a saddle with forward flaps
Eventing Sport requiring horse and rider to travel miles over rough terrian
Red Fox Gumby's horse
Mr Ed The horse that had his own TV show
Halter Sport requiring a small, agile, "cowy" horse
jog Smooth western trot
Driving Roy Rogers' "Golden Palomino"
Hollywood Dun It The wild mustange that became a POA foundation stud
Little Sorrel Sport requiring a saddle with straight flaps
Justin Morgan Anna Sewell's creation
Esquilax One of the oldest domesticated breeds, and it is native to Friesland
Dragon Stallion briefly owned and raced by The Simpsons
Endurance Sport requiring a "patterned" horse
Surcingle Jesse James' horse
Tornado Zorro's horse
Standard Head collar
Cantle Three-day competition combining three sports
Cinch Robert E. Lee's horse
Jumping Last horse to win the US Triple Crown (1978)
sidesaddle Belly band designed for lunging and ground-driving
Bashkir Curly Sire of the Morgan breed
Dressage Sport requiring a fast horse
Pokey special noseband designed to keep a horse's mouth closed
Black Beauty The little race-horse that could
Cutting Horse transportation unit
Pommel Only survivor of the Battle of Little Big Horn
Girth The Nez Perce horse
Appaloosa Sport requring a fit horse with perfect conformation
Racing Famous Spanish Riding School breed
Friesian The 1950's series black stallion
Bit The all-time leading reining sire and nearly $5,000,000 QH
Barrel Racing Directional movement that uses all of a horse's muscles
Unicorn "National Velvet" star
haunch Western belly band
Rollback Ground pole
Scout The clinician from Australia
halter English belly band
Trailer Horse's hind-quarters
Dressage The most lady-like way to ride
Fury French term for "Training"
Anderson Special coral for starting and taming horses
Trigger Metal object for steering
Seabiscuit Supplemental feed to hay

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