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Chapter 3 - Ectothermic Vertebrates

Ms. Vincent

Review of cold blooded vertebrates

birds The earliest vertebrate that had legs positioned directly beneath its body.
skin The specific environment in which an animal lives.
urine Sharks, rays and skates are this kind of fish.
water A fish's heart has ____ ____.
hole What the word "amphibian" means.
turtle Acts as protection for amphibians and also helps them sneak up on their prey.
bony The bones that make up your backbone.
reptile Most fish carry out ____ fertilization.
doublelife Native to Louisiana, it is the largest living reptile.
fish They have four legs, usually claws on their toes, external ears, movable eyelids and two lungs.
camouflage Frogs and other amphibians are one of these.
gillslits Each vertebra has one in it to allow for your spinal cord.
tadpole The legs of frogs and toads have become adapted for this.
habitat Ectothermic vertebrate that begins life in the water and spends adulthood on land.
endoskeleton The larva of a frog.
lizards An ectothermic vertebrate that has scaly skin and lungs.
vertebrae An animal whose body temperature changes depending on the temperature of its environment.
kingcobra The world's longest venomous snake.
twochambers Has a shell, and internal membranes that help keep an embryo moist and allow it to carry out life functions.
kidney Allows a fish to obtain oxygen from the water.
swimbladder Watery fluid excreted from the kidneys that helps an animal conserve water.
snakes Most scientists think they are a direct descendant of the dinosaurs.
biologicalindicator Sometimes ectotherms are referred to as this.
ectotherm All snakes are _____.
external Internal skeleton made of bone and/or cartilage.
ventricle Have no legs, no eyelids, no external ears and usually only one lung.
gills Amphibians also exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide through this.
coldblooded Organ that filters waste from the blood.
leaping An animal that at some time in their lives will have a notochord, a nerve cord and gill slits.
amnioticegg Chambers of the heart.
dinosaurs Animal whose body regulates its own temperature by controlling the internal heat it produces.
atria Most fish fall into this category.
cartilaginous Allows bony fish to stay stable at different depths in the water.
alligator You had some when you were an embryo, but not any more!
jawlessfish Pumps blood out to the lungs and body.
chordate An ectotherm that has fins and lives in water.
amphibian Amphibians will return to this to reproduce.
endotherm Reptile whose body is covered by a protective shell that includes the ribs and the backbone.
carnivores There are only two species of them left on Earth.

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